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The Sedona Method Review: Could It Possibly Be A Big Hype?

The Sedona Method Review: Could It Possibly Be A Big Hype?

This particular Sedona Method review comes from my own initial experience with the program over six years ago. For those who have never read anything about the Sedona Method in the past, the course was created by Hale Dwoskin of Sedona Training Associates to help people develop significantly greater happiness, peace, success, and well-being. This is accomplished by “letting go” or releasing restrictive thoughts, feelings, and emotions that could continue to prevent you from getting the results you should have.

The Sedona Method was first founded by Lester Levenson in 1952, when ill health and unhappiness drove him to transform his life at that time. His doctors had sent him home to pass away, although after just 3 months of learning his unique release method, Lester became astonishingly healthy and at ease with himself and the world. After teaching many people the technique over an interval of 20 years, he made the decision to formalize the Sedona Method into an organized method in 1973. Lester died in 1994, however, Hale Dwoskin took over the company and became in a position to contribute this method to thousands of people, undoubtedly more with the advent of the Internet.

My personal experience

As I mentioned before, the next Sedona Method Review started a few years ago, right after I was initially aware of it. I was pretty cool and really brooding over the Holosync Program when Bill Harris sent an email promoting the Sedona Method. The Sedona Method basically complements meditation very well, because it helps you release virtually any negative inner thoughts that may arise during meditation. In fact, I still use the Sedona Method even to this day, however, not as regularly as in the beginning. I find the beauty of this technique to be this: it is very simple and the end results are actually much faster than other different types of self help. I basically use it today to further boost and improve the progress I have made over the last 6 years.


Among the great advantages of this method is its 180-day money-back guarantee in case you are not completely satisfied with it. With that said, keep in mind the fact that this program was officially launched in 1973 and previously existed for over twenty years prior to that … so it will be 60+ years total in operation. It really is a decent track record for pretty much any product, let alone for a really challenging industry like personal development. It has the “races on the board”, so to speak.

The complete comprehensive training course is distributed with twenty audio CDs and a 198-page workbook, allowing you to listen to the tracks frequently to digest the material. And the workbook allows you to implement the information you learn and fully EXPERIENCE to be the success you want.


At $ 298, the Sedona Method course may be out of reach for some people. Just consider that the end results you receive with this program totally outshine the price. And once again, if this really doesn’t get you the results you were hoping for, you can return it for a full refund. Also, as with any beneficial program out there, you need to use the content and do tangible WORK to get the results you want. The truth is that many people will fail immediately, as they simply will not implement exactly what is required.

Personally, I have obtained an incredible amount from the Sedona Method Program over the 6 years that I have used it, and I support it wholeheartedly. You have absolutely nothing to lose with the 180-day money-back guarantee they offer, and almost everything you can win. Thanks for reading my Sedona Method Review. Take good care of yourself.

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