Step-by-step process to create a website

Creating a functional website that allows users to quickly and easily access information, regardless of device and browser types, is what web designers and developers aim to work on. Whether developing a website from scratch or redesigning an existing website, the basic objective of the client is to gain visibility, spread information, attract new clients, sell a product or create […]

Importance of social proof for the hotel industry

There are more than 7 billion people in the world today. Every day more and more appear on the digital web, the ubiquitous web that turns out to be the Internet. The increase in smartphone penetration, internet access, and technology in general simply indicates without a doubt that yes, humans are social animals and as such we love to share […]

How to market your blog articles

So you’ve written a great blog post for your business and you want to share it with the world. Why not? Everyone should know about your great product or service, right? While that’s true, let’s first take a few steps to make sure you know how to market your blog articles. After all, you don’t want to spend so much […]

What is B2B Marketing – The Best B2B Marketing Strategy?

B2B refers to the relationships between one or more companies, whether they are goods or services. B2B marketing is not aimed at end customers (B2C), but at independent companies and individuals. Consequently, the abbreviation stands for “Business to Business”. Advertising measures are tailored according to this special clientele and take into account the special characteristics that companies have to deal […]

Brand awareness and more

Brand recognition is the extent to which customers recognize a brand and their attitudes towards the brand. When a new brand is introduced, brand recognition develops according to 5 progressive stages: Brand rejection. If customers have a negative experience with your product, they may make a conscious effort to avoid your brand in the future. It is important not to […]

What is Skateboarding?

Here’s a simple question that can be challenging and difficult to answer: what is skateboarding? Now we know what a skateboard is and what skateboarding is like. For those who don’t know, a skateboard is a flat piece of wood with wheels attached to its bottom and the skateboard is the act of moving by moving your body on top […]

Lead generation with telemarketing

Technology is playing a huge role in transforming things in the business world in this age of digitization. The technology itself is changing over time and is incorporating various marketing techniques such as social media marketing, telemarketing for lead generation. No matter how fast technology is transforming, people revert to the same working methods in different ways and therefore telemarketing […]