Digital Marketing
20 Subject Line Suggestions That Increase Opens By 61.8%

20 Subject Line Suggestions That Increase Opens By 61.8%

Obviously, if the subject line of your email doesn’t open, it’s over. No clicks. There are no sales. No, nothing. But with the right one, you can get your readers to open and gobble up your emails.

Here are 20 Dirty Negative Tips for Hot Subject Lines That Get Results.

1. Short is better

40% of emails are opened on mobile devices and cut off if they are too long. Aim for 50 characters or less.

Another reason shorter is better: it’s more eye-catching. Compare these two subject lines and ask yourself which one would catch your eye:

an advert!”

b) “Warning, that early morning habit of yours could be causing a serious problem.”

To get the best of both worlds, consider this: With most email programs, you can put “Warning!” in the subject line and use “That early morning habit of yours could be causing a serious problem” as the first line of the email, which will appear as preview text. As always, try.

2. Still don’t think that shorter is better?

According to Contact Monkey, subject lines with 3 or more words open 15% less than those with 1-2 words.

3. Don’t get cute

Some email senders like to start their topics with “fw:” because they think it increases open rates. But according to Convince and Convert, it actually cuts openings by 17%. However, Contact Monkey also reports that the top five subject lines in their recent study included “Re:” This just goes to show you the importance of testing.

Four. Create urgency

Subjects who evoke a sense of urgency and exclusivity receive a 22% higher open rate, according to the Email Institute. Use deadlines like “today only” and “12 hour giveaway” to encourage readers to act now.

5. DO NOT use the word “newsletter”

An Adestra study found that email subjects containing the word “newsletter” received an 18.7% decrease in open rates. Why? Perhaps because recipients think it will take too long to read, or can always read it later; which, of course, they rarely do.

6. Use the person’s name in the subject line

Yes, it is an old school trick. And yes, for a while it seemed like it wasn’t working as well as it did. But these days, people get so many emails that, once again, having this little bit of personalization can make a difference. In fact, Adestra found that custom subjects were 22.2% more likely to open.

Just don’t do it all the time or it will lose its effectiveness.

7. Words to avoid

“Reunion” reduced openings by 7% according to Sidekick.

“Quick” reduced openings by 17%.

“You” reduced openings by 5%.

8. Words to use

“Tomorrow they increased openings by 10% according to Sidekick.

“Free” increased openings by 10%.

9. Try to find the correct sender name

If the recipient doesn’t recognize the sender’s name or doesn’t have a positive association with it, the email likely won’t open. If your business name implies a “Your Best Body” benefit, try shipping from that name, as well as “Joe Smith, Your Best Body” and your full name “Joe Smith.” See which one gets the most openings and then stick with it.

10. Never use “[email protected] as your sender name

It creates a terrible impression, looks anything but nice, and prevents recipients from adding it to their address book.

11. Use list segmentation

You don’t want to send news of your kids’ clothing sales to a guy who only bought men’s work shirts. Customize each person’s experience based on what action they have taken – which list they have joined and which product they have purchased.

12. Who says you need a subject line?

According to Sidekick, emails with no subject were opened 8% more than those with a subject. But use this trick sparingly, if you do. And remember, the preview text will be visible, so get it right.

13. make readers feel like they’re on the inside

The psychology of exclusivity is a primary motivator. Give your subscribers a sense of belonging to your group, your tribe or your inner circle.

In other words, make them feel special with topics like this:

· “An exclusive offer just for you”

· “My personal gift to you”

· “Members only, you are invited!”

· “Private: ONLY for dear customers”.

14. 3 words to use

Using the words “Sale”, “Video” or “New” in subjects increases open rates.

15. Do not prime and change

Any promises made in the subject line must be fulfilled in the email. For example, don’t say “27 free e-books” and then try to sell them 27 e-books that ‘will look like they are free because they will make you a lot of money.’

In fact, I got this email and unsubscribed because of it.

16. Tell them what’s inside and get it right.

Did they just join your list for a free book? So your topic could be, “Your new eBook in!” Are you announcing a new service that is perfect for them? “Joan, this service is tailor-made for you.”

17. Use numbers

“Increase your traffic by 200%” is better than “How to increase your traffic”.

18. Use action verbs

Think of a subject line as a call to action – you want the language to inspire people to click through the email. By starting with an action verb, you have a much better chance of motivating them to click. For example, which of these prompts you to want to know more: “Warning: the new Nissan are here” or “Drive a new Nissan today”?

19. The words “Daily” and “Weekly” increase open rates.

But the word “monthly” hurts them, according to Adestra.

twenty. Oh yeah …

The word that increased opens by 61.8% according to Adestra? Believe it or not, is the word “alert.” Again, don’t overuse it, but save it for those times when it really counts.

You motivated your readers to open your email with a great subject line, but now what? This is your first sentence. And your second and your third. You’ve heard that the purpose of the first sentence in a sales letter is to get them to read the second and that the second is to get them to read the third. Treat your emails the same way, as every sentence counts.

Why does he do this.

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