Things to think about before getting breast implants

Deciding to have breast augmentation is a big step. Breast augmentation will change the way your body looks and feels. It is a serious decision, but breast augmentation has worked wonders for many people. Before getting breast implants, here are some things every woman should think about… You have good health? Before undergoing a major operation like this, you should […]

Small Business Success: The Top 5 Surprising Reasons Most Businesses Fail and How to Avoid Them

There is no agreement among experts on the percentages of companies that fail. Forbes recently estimated that 80% of businesses fail, while Fortune claims it’s closer to 90%. According to the Small Business Administration (SBA), about 50% fail in the first year. Of those who survive, the SBA tells us that only about 66% survive their second year. Whatever the […]

Web Development TidBits

“The more you aspire, the more you prosper and once your aspirations come true, proper planning is needed” The quote mentioned above is for you, for me and for everyone. It sounds surprising… although it is true! If you have a business and want to make it big, one of your strategies is to incorporate a good and attractive website […]

What is the best exercise to burn fat?

Looking for the best exercise to burn fat? Check out these tips on how you can make a few simple changes to your current exercise routine to increase the amount of fat you burn and start seeing the results you want faster. The truth is that there is no single exercise that is the best for burning fat. Instead, it’s […]

10 ways to naturally increase your sexual power

Sex is an integral part of our life. It is one of the most precious gifts that nature has given to humanity. Sex is one of the most basic things that our body requires. The feeling of sexual satisfaction cannot be compared to anything. It gives immense pleasure, creates a strong bond between partners, reduces anxiety, tension, depression, and anger. […]

Five Acrylic Painting Supplies You Must Have

There are just a few supplies you need when using acrylics for your next painting. You can use modest supplies for the more expensive and obscure paint supplies that any artist can gobble up. Whichever way you decide to go, you must have the basics. So, let’s start with the first necessity, paint. 1 acrylic paint One of the best […]

Border Patrol leaders receptive to strategy to win

The Border Patrol of the Department of Homeland Security is in a tremendous transition. Tasked with defending America from terrorists, weapons, narcotics, and illegal aliens, the group’s responsibility has never been greater. Well aware of the critical nature of their assignments, the executive leaders were very receptive when I delivered my keynote address A Winning Strategy to kick off the […]

Traditional Marketing Vs Internet Marketing

With this fast-paced world as we know it these days, it would be almost a no-brainer to use the Internet. It seems like there just isn’t enough time in the day to get everything done. So you could also say the same for traditional business. Each has its advantages and disadvantages. I want to show you some of the differences […]