Ten Quick Etiquette Tips for Business Lunch

Ten Quick Etiquette Tips for Business Lunch

Knowing what to do when meeting a potential client for lunch or going to lunch with the boss or colleague can be confusing at times. Here’s a quick list of items to remember:

1. Be in the present moment with whoever you are. Limit glances around the room. It is a sign that you are looking for something better. There is nothing worse than having a conversation with someone who is half there.

2. Be on time. This sounds so common sense. The percentage of people who are late is over 65 percent. Don’t delay until the last minute before you leave the office so you are late. Take a little reading or work with you, get there early, sit in the lobby and get to work. Or allow yourself a little space to think about how you want to approach your time together. Present, tone, style, or even plan a quick getaway if the union isn’t working. The memory implant of your delay will always void any request for forgiveness.

3. Turn off your cell phone before entering the restaurant. Nobody around you wants to hear your conversation. Even if you let it ring, pick it up and then take it out. Did you leave your lunch partner alone? This is simply rude. If you have a “don’t care” attitude about this, I’ll tell you a story about a lunch guest of mine who did this and the three prospects I was meeting didn’t even sit down. They saw her speak, waved a minute finger at them, they turned and left. They wouldn’t even answer your phone calls or emails afterward.

4. If you are a woman and this is a business, now it is appropriate to get up and shake a man’s hand. This overrides the old rule of sitting still. If the meeting is for your spouse’s business and you are coming because other spouses are coming, remain seated while your spouse stands. These rules apply to both sexes.

5. Offer your hand and give a firm handshake. Sometimes people who don’t like to shake hands won’t meet yours. Don’t think about it if they don’t, this is just their preference. And don’t particularly say something cute or funny.

6. Think of an opening statement to make while shaking hands. This is part of your first impression, so get it right. Always use the guest’s name at the beginning or end of the statement. For example, “Thank you for taking the time to be together today, Catherine.” When a group of submissions needs to be completed, the highest rank governs gender.

7. Small talk is important, don’t leave it out. The amount of time for a small talk depends on many factors. If you are in the presence of famous or very rich people and not in a social setting, then the small talk, if there is one, will be quick and short. It can be as short as a sentence or two. People who know how much their time is worth, or who are doing you a favor by being there, also fall into this category.

8. Aha, who pays the bill? If you made the invitation, you are responsible for verification. It doesn’t matter how well off they are. If it’s a joint meeting, ask at the beginning or when you schedule lunch in the checking division. Waiting until the check arrives to indicate the division of the check is a sign of professional weakness. If you are meeting with someone who is giving you valuable advice, you need to pay the bill. A handwritten personal follow-up note is also appropriate. If they have saved you or helped you earn more money, send them a gift or gift certificate. If you don’t, you will never have more of your time. This has occurred to me, and the person never has time again.

9. Where does the napkin go? Immediately after sitting down, place the napkin on your lap. If you notice that the napkin is in the glass, this is usually a sign from the restaurant that the server will place the napkin on your lap. If you apologize during your meal, place the napkin on the left side of your plate or on the chair. This tells the server that you have not finished. When done, place the napkin to the right of the plate and your fork and knife horizontally across the plate to point to the server.

10. What to eat and wear first? Which glass or which fork can be confusing. Bread and salad plates always on the left, glasses on the right. Utensils start from the outside in and the dessert fork is next to the dessert plate. Place the fork and knife on the plate to signal to the server that you are done.

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