Home Kitchen
Kitchen Organization Tips: Countertops

Kitchen Organization Tips: Countertops

Having an organized kitchen is a goal for many people. Achieving the goal gives you a high that is a tremendous motivator to move on to other rooms.

Before we start, let’s see if you need to organize your kitchen. Answer a few questions and you’ll find out.

1. Does your table seem like a landing pad for everything except tableware and a comfortable place to eat?

2. Do you have to wash the dishes before you can serve a meal?

3. Do you waste time looking for an ingredient or utensil that you “know” you have?

4. Are you embarrassed when a friend passes by and enters your kitchen?

5. Are your closets so full that you have no place to store new items?

6. Do you often find that the item you want to use is out of date because you forgot it was there?

If you answered yes to even one of these questions, you are experiencing more stress and pressure than you should feel. Your kitchen definitely needs organization. Let us begin!

First wash the dishes that are in the sink, dry them and put them away. This will make the next step easier. Deep clean your sink.

One of the most important areas of your kitchen to keep clutter free is your countertop.

Having an open space to work and getting rid of anything on the counter that isn’t used on a daily basis is a great first step. Start by cleaning your counters completely. Thoroughly clean countertops to make them smooth and clean.

Now take a moment to plan what you really need to put back on the counter – remember that less is better. The things you use on a daily basis are put back, your coffee maker, maybe your toaster, maybe a set of decorative but frequently used containers. There are probably a lot of the items on your table right now that need a new home. Take the time to make a list of where these items need to go, even if there isn’t room for them right now. Many of the items most likely don’t even belong in the kitchen. If you have a lot of medicine bottles and other things that you use often but shouldn’t be out of sight because of the clutter, find a safe, out-of-sight place, like a closet or drawer, to store them.

What happens with the rest? Ask yourself if it is really necessary to keep all those elements. Do they have a purpose in your life? If the answer is no, throw them away, recycle them, or put them in a designated bag for donations or a garage sale. You still have doubts about having things that need a new home. Write where that new home is on your list, even if there isn’t room for it right now. Get a large box or storage container to put these items in until you clean up your new home and are ready for them.

You should now have a kitchen with wonderfully clear surfaces; your countertops and table are now clear and clean. You should feel good about your progress and be motivated to move on to the next area: the closets.

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