Health Fitness
Jump rope: the best exercise to lose abdominal fat

Jump rope: the best exercise to lose abdominal fat

Okay, so you’ve been exercising regularly for a while now, and you’re probably pretty pleased with the results.

But even after all your disciplined and determined efforts, do you still have that handful of belly fat stubbornly clinging to your abdomen?


Well, here’s a solution: a jump rope workout that will burn off that last bit of belly fat!

Why is Belly Fat the last to go?

Each person stores body fat in a different way. And fat cells in different parts of the body respond differently to our attempts to reduce their size!

Fat cells in the lower abdomen for men and the hips and thighs for women often have a higher concentration of what are called “alpha 2” receptors. This causes these cells to respond more slowly to diet and exercise.

As a result, we have that bit of flab that remains even after months of hard training and dieting.

The Solution: Your Body’s Natural Fat Burning Hormones

Several years ago, you may have seen ads for HGH (Human Growth Hormone) supplements, which promised to burn fat and “make you sculpt.”

HGH helps you burn body fat. The bad news is that there are dangers associated with taking HGH supplements, such as early-onset diabetes and heart problems. So forget about these pills!

Instead, let your body boost HGH levels to burn fat NATURALLY with High Intensity Interval Training!

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

The basic idea behind High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is to do intense exercise for short periods (20 to 60 seconds), followed by short rests (10 to 60 seconds). This cycle is repeated over and over again during training.

To reap the fat-burning and HGH-boosting effects of HIIT, try doing 30-60 seconds of intense exercise followed by around 30-60 seconds of rest. Alternate these work/rest periods between 10 and 20 minutes.

jump rope training to burn abdominal fat- what you need

Will need:

  • A “speed rope” (weightless plastic jump rope, usually available for around $10)
  • good shoes
  • (optional) a padded surface (wooden gym floors, rubber mats, or even a yoga mat work well and help protect your body from wear and tear)

If you are new to jumping rope, take a few weeks to get used to this exercise. Jump every other day and work up to jumping for 5 minutes, non-stop.

So you are ready to start.

The training

Jump rope easily for about 3 minutes to warm up. Then, alternate the following intervals of work and rest:

  • Jump rope intensely (high-kneed running, bending knees, or double rope twists) for 30 to 60 seconds.
  • Rest for 30-60 seconds.

Repeat this sequence for 10-20 minutes.

If you’re new to this type of routine, work with shorter work periods and longer rest intervals. 30 seconds on, 60 seconds off is a good starting point.

Don’t overdo it! As you get in better shape, reduce rest periods and increase work intervals.

Optional – Moderate intensity aerobic exercise

These HIIT intervals signal fat cells to release their fat into the bloodstream. If you have time, take advantage of this. Get 20 minutes or so of cardio to keep your heart rate up and keep burning fat. Go for a walk, ride a stationary bike, etc.

Ab Exercises – Plank and Side Plank

To tighten and strengthen your core, follow these plank and side plank jump rope intervals (check YouTube for video instructions). Work up to holding each pose for 2 minutes.


Your body will be sore after some of these workouts. Be sure to take a couple of minutes afterward to stretch your Achilles/calves, psoas/hip flexors, and hamstrings/glutes. This will help prevent excessive muscle tension and keep you flexible.

Check out YouTube for videos of these moves. 30 seconds per body part should be more than enough.

Good luck! I hope you enjoyed learning about this jump rope exercise – the best exercise to lose belly fat!

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