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Consistency is the value of performance

Consistency is the value of performance

Mother Nature can be a daunting opponent or a sure ally. Farmers prepare the soil years in advance for crops that will be planted for months. After the growing season, they dig and collect the ‘fruits of their hard work’, the harvest.

Consequently, mistakes made in April, June, or even the previous year would not fully manifest until harvest in late summer or early fall.

Farming is a demanding lifestyle. There are no days off, not even weekends. Because farmers know that to even see a decent harvest in the fall, they need to spend months obeying a set of principles called the ‘Law of the Harvest.’ This law applies to anything, even off the field.

Author Stephen R. Covey explains: “The only thing that endures over time is the law of the farm: I must prepare the soil, put in the seed, cultivate, weed, water and nurture the growth. So in business… “.

So even if we are in the process of creating residual income in any business, the ‘Law of the Harvest’ applies.

Although there are many opportunities to earn additional income, in the long run, what we want is residual income, a result of the number of clients and the constant development of leadership that counts. It is the repetition of these two things that ultimately results in solid growth.

Suppose you have good products and business opportunities. Will you sit back and wait for customers to find you, or will you step out of your comfort zone to find customers? We must keep our eyes and ears open for new customers wherever we go. “Let’s keep our antennas up”

Get-rich-quick schemes would not give you residual income. It takes constant hard work. You have to build a customer base.

Ancient Greek myth of Sisyphus: Sisyphus, as punishment, is sentenced to spend eternity rolling a rock to the top of a hill only to see it roll back down where it started again. If you’re not building steadily, you’ve done the same with your business.

Old moral from “The Tortoise and the Hare” Steady efforts (not necessarily slow ones) win the race.

Those who build with consistency will find their hard work multiplied in the harvest.

Those who build sporadically will spend most of their energy replacing what they have lost.

When the day comes to put in your sickle, what will your harvest be like? What will be the results of your hard work? Make the “Law of the Harvest” work in your favor.

There is no better advice for your business. If you want a bumper crop in the fall, you need to get the job done today and every day. Consistent efforts create consistent results. Build your business every month and don’t go backwards.

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