Top 10 Questions to Ask a Maine Coon Kitten Breeder

When looking to buy a Maine Coon cat, you’ll want to ask each breeder the same questions. Most breeders are more than happy to share information and answer your questions. They want to make sure their kittens go to a safe and responsible owner. When you visit the breeder, look for active and curious kittens. Kittens may not necessarily approach […]

History of e-book readers and beyond

The oldest digital library, Project Gutenberg, was founded in 1971. The first digitized work created by Project Gutenberg was the Declaration of Independence. Project Gutenberg is still going strong today with over 100,000 titles and 30,000 available for free. Digitized books were great, but they had to be read on a computer. Then, in 1998, the first portable eBook readers […]

How to get your child to eat healthy food

These days, when the fast food habit has taken over the whole world, it is necessary for you to teach your children to eat healthy food on a regular basis. It is very important for your child to get used to eating fruits, vegetables, and cooked foods. This will allow him to develop harmoniously and grow strong and healthy. The […]

I want to be models

I am asked the question “How do I get started as a model?” so many times and I have to say there is no easy answer to this. First, are you really sure this is what you want? If the answer to this is yes, and you are at least 1.7 meters (5 feet 7 inches) tall, slim, beautiful and […]

love spanking part i

It is rare that I am given the opportunity to bring such a moving and articulate story to my readers as this one. Carol has given me permission to quote or use her story as I see fit. Although not everyone has the same result from spanking as Carol, there are millions of people who feel too ashamed and humiliated […]