11 tips to help you become a productivity powerhouse

11 tips to help you become a productivity powerhouse

Being productive every day is important not only for accounting purposes in an office, but also for self-satisfaction. Whether you travel to an office or have turned your home into one, leading a disciplined life and making the days count is important to a sense of accomplishment. Listed below are 11 golden ways to do the same:

You need to prioritize tasks and assign a particular deadline for each one. Take some time in the morning and write them down as “urgent,” “important,” or “unimportant.” Tackling work that has been put off for a long time can give you peace of mind and take that feeling of heaviness off your chest. Procrastination can spell the loss of productivity.

Don’t waste time checking emails and replying to them. Keep that job for lazy afternoons because mornings are for more productive jobs. Think of something great and write it down in your journal. Written records are important, but they can be time consuming and create a vicious cycle.

Clean your table. This may not sound very impressive, but the fact is that clutter inhibits fresh and constructive thinking. Getting rid of trash can have a positive effect on your work.

Working in a routine improves productivity. So, get up early in the morning around 5 and get off to a good start. Great people like Thomas Edison or even John Grisham led routine lives and worked on their productivity through devotion to work. An organized lifestyle offers plenty of room for organized thinking and the path to productivity.

Multitasking may seem like the buzzword these days, but in the end it reduces productivity by at least 5 percent. Being monomaniac and working with full concentration is the key to greater productivity.

Daily workouts are great for fitness and act as a stress buster. The improved energy will offer more productivity and focus. In fact, it is best to exercise twice a day (once in the morning and once in the evening).

Making a to-do list is important, but it’s just as important to create a “not-to-do” list. Cross out unnecessary work.

Commuting to work consumes much of the productive time that can be used to gain knowledge. Try reading an e-book or listening to a podcast while going to the office or home. More knowledge means more productivity.

Get it right on the first try. Continuous efforts also mean wasting precious time.

Spending less time in meetings can improve productivity. In a two-hour meeting, just 20 minutes is really useful. The remaining part is used in gossip and nonsense discussions.

Quitting the television and spending less time on the phone can help you focus more time on work. You will also save a lot on electricity.

Minimizing distractions can improve focus and yield massive results only if you have enough tenacity and are optimistic about your work. Being available to everyone will not improve your productivity. Time to close the door and think!

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