Health Fitness
Ways to Avoid Fat and Chunky Aerobics Instructor Syndrome

Ways to Avoid Fat and Chunky Aerobics Instructor Syndrome

Have you ever heard of the ‘thick fat aerobics instructor’ syndrome? This is actually a term that comes from Charles Poliquin, a strength coach and creator of the BioSignature method.

This is definitely a serious problem and you may have already had it without even knowing it. You may not have heard of it before, but the signs are everywhere.

There are instructors who can teach 18 cardio classes alone every week and have been doing it for years. They love doing cardio so much that they do it between each class or before and after each meal. Does this sound like your kind of exercise?

Also, these people notice that they are growing each year and constantly wonder why they can’t seem to stop it from happening. This is despite the fact that they spend more time than necessary doing their exercises.

It could be you? Are you one of those who believes that all it takes to lose that fat is to do as much cardio as you can? If you really believe in it, it must be working for you and you must already be seeing results. However, does it really work for you? And you’ve been a member of that gym for quite some time, you know who the well-known cardio geeks are. However, have you noticed that these cardio fanatics are still overweight? So, it’s about time to look at things in a different way to see what cardio really does for your body.

Things to do to avoid thick and fat aerobic instructor syndrome:

Trainer Poliquin discovered through clinical experience that aerobic exercise could lead to storage of subcutaneous fat in your body. It is usually stored in the legs and buttocks. Constantly doing aerobic exercise will cause your blood to rise in fat. This serves as a protective mechanism for your body as it provides energy in advance to perform all our aerobic routines, depending on our past behaviors.

The bad news is that this is just one of the many problems you are about to face. In addition, these fats, fats that destroy health, can form in the muscles. Your body will adapt in just 6 weeks of doing cardio. Then, it will convert food into fat. These fats will slowly accumulate in the muscle cells, eventually changing the density of the cells. This is a very difficult process to reverse, especially if it has been going on for quite some time, but it is never too late for you to do something about it and start your fat loss program now.

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