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The secret to the law of attraction is to feel good

The secret to the law of attraction is to feel good

The “secret” to mastering the Law of Attraction is to feel good. This may not sound like a big secret. In fact, it is so simple and straightforward that it easily slips away from us. It would be easier, in a way, if the secret was to memorize a long and difficult chant or mantra in an exotic foreign language while sitting in a special position with our hands clasped in exactly the right position. At first this might be more difficult, but it would be more in line with the way our minds normally function – master a difficult task and get a result when you have completed it. Feeling good sounds simpler, but it can be difficult to master.

The other problem people have with feeling good about mastering the Law of Attraction is that it is a bit tricky. In other words, you are probably interested in the Law of Attraction in the first place so that it can improve your life, so that you feel better. If you have to feel better first, how can you start? It’s a bit like saying, “The secret to getting enough to eat is finding a lot of food.” To get beyond this catch-22 dilemma, we have to look at it a little closer.

Most people, in fact, don’t want to master the Law of Attraction to feel better. Well, ultimately that’s what they want, but on a conscious level they think they want more money, an attractive lover, a better job, or a new car. They focus on the physical manifestations rather than the feeling that they think they will get out of these things. This is one of the main obstacles in the process. For once we consciously understand that our real goal is to feel good or be happy, then we will be much closer to mastering this “secret” of the Law of Attraction.

While we can use the Law of Attraction to dramatically improve any aspect of our lives, we cannot always have a direct impact on physical reality. I mean, we can’t just snap our fingers and make a million dollars appear on the table in front of us. However, we can, with a little concentration, put ourselves in a state of abundant being. In other words, we can open ourselves up to receiving a million dollars, or whatever we want. However, by trying too hard to manifest a specific physical event, object, or person, we subtly but importantly misunderstand how the universe works and often slows down the process unnecessarily.

When we consciously set our intention to feel good, or at least feel better than we feel right now, we are heading in the right direction. If, for example, you feel depressed about lack of money, there are several ways to react.

1) “I never have enough money.”

2) “Why do I never have enough money?”

3) “I don’t have enough money right now.”

4) “How can I attract more money?”

5) “How can I feel more abundant than I do now?”

6) “Little by little I feel more and more abundant and magnetic towards money and other good things.”

In the above, the numbers 1 and 2 will not help you at all. They will only perpetuate your feeling of lack. The number 3 is not great, but it is moving in the right direction. The numbers 4, 5 and 6 are helpful and indicate a state of greater abundance.

Another thing you can see from this is that changing statements into questions can be helpful, as long as they are positive questions! Never ask, for example, “Why do I never have enough money?” There is no good answer to a negative question. When you ask a question, your subconscious automatically begins searching for an answer. So if you ask a question about why it is missing in some way, as in n. 2 above, there really isn’t a good answer. Whatever answer comes up, no matter how valid it is, you are still in the same state. On the other hand, if you ask a positive question, as in n. 4 above, it will start generating helpful responses.

By focusing on how you feel and the words you say to yourself and others, you can begin to move in a more positive direction. This is how you begin to master the secret of using the Law of Attraction by feeling better, so that you can feel even better.

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