Health Fitness
Susan Lucci Height And Weight – Why Suzy Is Not Normal

Susan Lucci Height And Weight – Why Suzy Is Not Normal

Did you know that Susan Lucci, Emmy Award-winning star of the soap opera “All My Children” and star of Daytime’s, is 5’2″ tall and weighs just 45 pounds?

That’s tiny!

He’s even smaller than the ideal “small frame” weight for his height, which is 105 pounds. And somehow, magically, it suits her. She has never looked gaunt or, worse yet, anorexic.

For 14 years, Susan has been a huge fan of Pilates, the exercise regimen that focuses on breathing, muscle precision, and flexibility.

Judging by the paparazzi photos of her in a bikini at 62, she’s clearly benefiting from it!

But is Susan Lucci’s weight something to aspire to?

Maybe, if you have his exact height and have a body similar to a bird. And with the average height and weight of women being 5’3″ and 163 pounds, it’s probably safe to say that looking like Susan Lucci isn’t a realistic goal for many women.

However, if you want to look as petite and glamorous as the divine Mrs. Lucci, there are several things you can do:

1. Drink water.

To make your skin glow, remove toxins from your body, and lose weight easily, you should drink around 100 ounces of water per day.

It may sound like a lot, and if you replace coffee, soda, and shakes with water, you’ll be surprised at what a difference it can make in your weight loss quest.

2. Exercise regularly.

Even if you take an extra half hour while walking the dog; Even if you park farther from your driveway at work, home, or the grocery store just to increase heart activity; Even if it’s just a 20-minute walk around your block or neighborhood, you need to get up, get out, and move.

Losing weight is not just about eliminating certain foods. It is also about activity.

3. Eat more often.

Don’t starve yourself all day, then “reward” yourself with a big meal at the end of the day. Eat smaller meals throughout the day to keep your metabolism up and avoid hunger.

4. Be natural. 

Now this is not about branches and berries. But many of us opt for fast, prepackaged meals that we can swallow quickly to get by with our busy schedules.

And that’s not good for you. Opt for fresh, healthy foods, such as a piece of fruit instead of a Fruit Roll-Up or Pop Tart.

5. Love your body!

Don’t kill yourself trying to get down to Susan Lucci’s weight. Her weight is good for her. She has a small frame. Your body probably doesn’t look anything like hers, and that’s a good thing because you’re beautiful.

If you have big breasts or buttocks to spare, sure, some of that will go away when you’ve lost the excess weight. But you have to love who you are because that helps the process move so much faster.

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