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Serotonin Deficiency Syndrome – Signs and Symptoms

Serotonin Deficiency Syndrome – Signs and Symptoms

Serotonin is an invaluable chemical found in the brain that helps regulate sleep patterns, stress levels, and general mood. There are many different factors that can affect serotonin levels, including high stress levels, lack of sleep, lack of exposure to sunlight, lack of exercise, and poor diet. The use of prescription drugs, as well as excessive alcohol and caffeine consumption, also play a role in decreasing the amount of serotonin in the brain. When serotonin levels drop to an unhealthy level, a variety of symptoms can appear; Many of these symptoms are common to most serotonin-deficient patients, however, the severity and combination in which they appear can help doctors properly diagnose and treat this condition. The most common symptoms include depression and anxiety, feelings of fatigue, insomnia, impaired cognitive function and impulse control, decreased interest in regular activities, and severely reduced levels of self-esteem.

Arguably the most common sign of a serotonin deficiency is depression; this can range from simply feeling blue to prolonged periods of deep depression. Feeling anxious is also very common with a deficiency in serotonin levels; again, this can range from mild distress to extreme panic in stressful situations. In some mild cases, this can be treated with simple lifestyle changes; in more severe cases, supplements may be required or your doctor may prescribe medication to help bring your serotonin back to a healthy level.

Many people with serotonin deficiency have disrupted sleep patterns; While some patients are still able to get enough rest, they are often plagued by feelings of fatigue and a lack of mental clarity. In more severe cases, people suffer from insomnia as a result of decreased serotonin levels; insomnia can include not being able to fall asleep, waking up frequently, and having trouble going back to sleep. These disruptions in sleep patterns can be a nuisance, but if left untreated, they can be extremely dangerous to health and well-being.

Lack of sleep can also result in impaired ability to think and reason properly. This decline in cognitive function can cause minor memory loss, brain fog, and an inability to solve problems efficiently. This can also lead to a lack of impulse control, which will often manifest as obsessive-compulsive behaviors, extreme spending or gambling, and drug or alcohol addictions. Low serotonin levels in the brain can have a direct impact on how a person reasons and behaves.

Lower serotonin levels also have an effect on how a person feels about themselves and their environment. Those with unhealthy serotonin levels may experience a loss of interest in their regular activities; this goes beyond regular boredom, and affected individuals may also suffer from low self-esteem. Feelings of worthlessness and negativity are cause for concern and should be discussed with a doctor or mental health professional.

While many of these symptoms may come and go, persistent depression, insomnia, lack of interest, low self-esteem, and brain fog should call for a doctor’s attention. A health professional can recommend simple changes that can help solve everyday problems related to serotonin deficiency. For more severe cases, they may suggest supplements or prescribe medications that can increase serotonin levels in the brain and help restore that essential balance.

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