Prepare a perfect espresso with an automatic espresso machine

Prepare a perfect espresso with an automatic espresso machine

If you like espresso, can an automatic espresso machine literally change your life? I know, it’s a big statement, but think of it this way. How much do you spend a month at Starbucks? Or, on the other hand, how many cups of weak, non-foaming, burnt-flavored espresso are you drinking from your el cheapo espresso machine? Any way you look at it, if you love espresso, an automatic espresso machine could easily be your future, especially this Christmas.

So what is an automatic espresso machine after all? Aren’t all these machines equal before God, man and the espresso aficionado? Far from there!

There are generally four types of espresso makers, steam driven, pump driven, piston driven, and the automatic espresso maker.

The steam powered model is the cheapest type. You know the type that makes a great Christmas present. It’s kind of a novelty. Something a young married couple could give themselves because they are so cheap. Do they make good cups of coffee? No. Are they suitable for fun? Absolutely! So I’m not ruling out steam powered machines, just positioning them for you.

Pump-driven machines and their predecessors, piston-driven machines, are the real deal as they are for true enthusiasts. You need to be careful, for example, about how you grind coffee beans. Not fine enough and the coffee is weak and the water just goes into the cup. Too fine and the water clogs. Either way, these machines are not easy to use. You have to know your particular machine, which is a pain in the neck.

The automatic espresso machine, on the other hand, can make a great cup of perfect, nice, frothy espresso without all the fuss. It’s not a cheaper version like the steam model, which doesn’t even get hot enough to work properly. No, the automatic espresso machine is just as good as the piston or pump machine, but without all the fuss.

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