Leopard gecko feeding habits: lobsters or crickets?

Leopard gecko feeding habits: lobsters or crickets?

Feeding your leopard gecko can be a very exciting time. Watching your Leo eat and finding the food you provided are two of those emotions. It is important to pay close attention to the feeding habits of leopard geckos. As a pet owner, you are responsible for providing nutritious and healthy food for your Leo. Your pet is going to show signs that he likes certain foods better than others, but does this mean they are what he should be eating?

One of the main problems with feeding your pet will be decide what is nutritious and what is a pleasure. If you’ve ever had a gecko, they are like little children. You really want them to eat their veggies, but they just want that cookie or candy. In the case of leopard geckos, this is a debate between lobsters and crickets.

In its natural habitat, a gecko’s main diet consists of locusts and other insects. However, lobsters are more of a treat because they taste sweeter to your gecko than a cricket. Like a child for a lot of something, you will want him to have more. Giving a lobster as a gift from time to time for your pet is fine. What you don’t want is for them to get “addicted” to their treats and not eat what is healthier and more nutritious for them.

If your gecko just wants to eat tasty but not nutritious things, don’t worry. All you have to do is simply offer the best insects to eat. They may not eat for a few days, but will eventually give in to hunger and eat whatever is offered.

Crickets should be one of the main dishes in Leo’s diet. They are more nutrient-dense than lobsters and will keep your pet healthier. If your Leo doesn’t eat crickets the way he should, switch him to live crickets if you’ve been trying to feed him dead crickets. Only the cricket activity can get your pet to start feeding on it.

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