Digital Marketing
Keyword Density Checker Tool

Keyword Density Checker Tool

Definition of keyword density, what does a keyword mean?

If you’re new to search engine optimization or SEO, people often call it, and you’re starting to know a bit about it, I’m sure you’ve ever heard of people or websites discussing keyword density. .

Keyword density is one of the most valuable factors of search engine (SE) algorithms. First let’s define keyword, what does a keyword mean? A keyword is a word or phrase that is repeatedly typed on a web page. Keywords are very important in optimizing a web page so that readers find it on the search engine results page.

Now that we have understood what a keyword is, I am sure you also want to know about keyword density. What is? Keyword density is the percentage or numbers, it represents how often keywords are included on a web page.

Let’s say, when you have 300 words on a page and you repeat your keyword on that page quite often, your percentage will be higher than placing the same keyword on a 1000 word written web page.

Webmasters are not only aware of keyword density, but also care about the value of their keywords.

What I want to say here is that when you are planning to monetize your website or earn extra money from your sites, in this case with Google AdSense, you need to know that keywords can determine how high your conversion rate is.

There are keywords that make you money through AdSense very high, and some are very low. This is due to the competitiveness of your keyword.

Keyword density tolerance differs from one search engine to another.
Everyone uses their favorite search engines to look up some terms for the information they need.

To mention a few of the big ones, we have Google, Yahoo, Bing, Ask and a few others. Those websites have various rules about the percentage of keyword density that a web page can ideally contain.

Let’s take a closer look at Google, the largest search engine by far, Google accepts between 2% and 4%. Another search engine, like Yahoo, allows a web page to have around 5%. The best would be 2% and try to optimize your page, at the same time check the readability of the page, because recently most of the search engines include the readability of a content as their ranking aspect.

Which means, optimize your page first for your visitors and then for search engines

Too many keywords on your webpage will risk your website being marked as spam due to keyword stuffing.

Tools and ways to optimize the page by checking keyword density.
Getting your website to appear on the first page of search engines is every webmaster’s dream, especially affiliate marketers and commercial website owners.

Having the opportunity to rank on the first page for them means more traffic and more chances of profitable transactions with customers.

Those efforts will be achieved only if your web pages are well optimized for SEO.

If your web page is built by WordPress, you will have a better SEO plugin to help you check the keyword density percentage of each page.

If not, there are free online tools that can check for you.

Search engine optimization is not an easy task, but if you have patience, tools and persistence, I am sure that the result will be absolutely positive.

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