Digital Marketing
Is your resume objective suspect?

Is your resume objective suspect?

Creating a cover letter or resume objective in order to land a job is like going fishing with a knife and fork attached to the end of the fishing line. You may be hungry and want to catch a fish for dinner, and you’ll need your fork and knife when you land a fish, but trying to use these utensils as bait will leave you hungry.

Have you heard the old adage to put the cart before the horse? The mindset you need to get a job is not exactly the same mindset that will get you interviews. When you’re thinking about getting a job while you’re writing a cover letter and resuming writing, you’re skipping a step. He is trying to convince an employer to hire him instead of interviewing him.

Laying out everything about yourself and your work experience helps you get hired in an interview, just like a knife and fork helps you eat. But you need bait to catch fish and you need to use bait to catch skippers. Focusing on writing sales tactics to land interviews is the bait you need to hook an employer. Great writing uses the word “you” much more than the words “I” or “me.”

Also, the bait you need to fish may not be the same food you would eat. Fish bait is usually crickets, worms, or some strange mix of food. Usually fish bait is not what we want for dinner and that is why we are fishing. The same is true for your resume objective. Your goal is to land your dream job and earn a salary. This is not the employer’s goal. The focus of your resume should be the bait the employer will take, not necessarily what you like to eat.

Design your resume and cover letter writing to get you an interview, not a job. While you want to line yourself up as the perfect fit for the employer, rarely does anyone get hired without a job interview. You need the interview to get the job and you need resumes and cover letters to get interviews. Your writing should create enough interest to keep the employer reading and enough desire to want to interview you.

The resume objective is the headline on most resumes. You need to attract the employer. If the employer doesn’t see something there that piques his interest, he may not read on. Just like a fish swimming for its bait. Lead with your most relevant skills. These are the skills the employer is looking for. Incorporate them into your objective. If you have a relevant and recent certification in a skill, the employer is looking for work in your writing. For example, let them know that you are waiting with bated breath (pun intended!) to perform their new abilities.

Using Pro Bait for your resume objective

Professional writers are often the best creators of cover letters and resume objectives. They understand how to bait the hook. Most Fortune 500 companies hire marketing employees or advertising firms who know how to see the qualities of a product and create the interest and desire that will attract potential customers and consumers and make them buy. Please refer to the advertising titles and subheadings and the features and benefits listed about the products. Incorporate your best features and benefits into your resume objective. When you have the right bait, the fish will bite. When you have the correct words to make the correct sentences, the employers will call.

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