Real Estate
Finding Real Estate Leads for Agents

Finding Real Estate Leads for Agents

How do you currently generate real estate leads? Do you grow neighborhoods, publish a newsletter, have a real estate website that generates leads? Well, no matter how you get them, I’m willing to bet two things;

1. They are not so easy to get and

2. You can always use more

As you struggle to try and fill your channel with leads, you can probably think of at least one agent who makes prospecting for leads seem like child’s play. But what exactly is it that they do so effectively that you don’t?

Of course, the answer depends on many things, but let’s extract some ideas from an agent I know who worked with a children’s condo builder who did quite well.

Let’s call her Evette, which is not her real name, but it allows me to personalize the story in a way that you can identify with.

Evette was a spark plug dynamo; energetic, self-driven and very successful at what she did. And what he did best was market and sell a lot of student housing units, mostly condos from what I could see.

His was a 5-step process

1. You would find vacant lots for your builder to buy and develop.

2. Try to establish partnerships with the seller of the raw land and its developer to offset the developer’s out-of-pocket costs while gaining a majority stake in the land.

3. Then, it would put up for sale all the units that the developer built as a result of the partnership.

4. Then get in place to resell the units when students graduate from college and move out of the area and

5. In some cases, you would also be in a position to obtain referrals to out-of-town agents for students relocating.

As you can see, Evette was having it. So when I say that meeting and working with Evette was a career-changing experience, you know what I mean.

My attitude was the first thing that changed. I was overcome by being paralyzed by high-income doctors, lawyers, judges, dentists, and other professionals.

Initially, I felt inadequate when it came to marketing real estate to them. I just thought I didn’t know enough about real estate in general to sound like a competent professional.

But you know what? It turned out that he knew more than all of them and more than he needed to know to help them with their real estate needs.

I continued to find doctors, dentists, college professors, judges, insurance agents, and garden variety investors to work with and had some mutually beneficial relationships over many years.

So what does this mean for you? In fact, there are several things that can be gleaned from this article.

If you are not promoting people with money, you should. Some agents are self-sabotaging by not aggressively pursuing leads with financial means to purchase real estate.

Instead, they market to people who may barely qualify for home loans and / or who have related or other difficulties to overcome before they can qualify.

Don’t let it be you, ever again.

Another thing you should learn from this article is that a potential customer can be multiplied into 3 or 4 different income generating opportunities.

So, no matter how insignificant a customer may seem, treat them all equally.

You never know when they might refer a friend or acquaintance, or ask him to help you buy some investment property, or turn to him to help sell the first property he sold to them and help them buy another.

It’s a well-worn cliché, but it’s true; there is no shortage of real estate leads for agents. You just have to know how to detect them.

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