Lifestyle Fashion
Enlarge Penis Naturally – Exposed!  Stretch your manhood but be careful with "Turkey neck" Scrotum

Enlarge Penis Naturally – Exposed! Stretch your manhood but be careful with "Turkey neck" Scrotum

Most people think that the idea of ​​getting a bigger penis is absolutely ridiculous. If you ever spoke to medical professionals, they would tell you that the only way to get a bigger penis is through surgery. However, I am here to tell you that this is a myth and that you can actually enlarge your penis naturally.

I have often written and talked about the effects of exercising your penis to stimulate growth. Today I want to focus on the exercises you need to do to get a LONGER penis and the things to keep in mind.

If you have previously read any articles on penis enlargement, you may have found yourself exercising your corpus cavernosum to get a bigger penis. The reasoning behind this is that through exercise, the corpus cavernosum will expand to hold more blood. Although this is a fantastic exercise to enlarge the penis naturally, it is not the only one.

Another great way to naturally enlarge the penis is by stretching the suspensory and fundiform ligaments. If you hold your penis by the head and then pull down, you will feel the stretch in your suspensory ligament. Actually, this ligament is located along the base of the upper part of the penis. You can tell exactly where this ligament is by locating it with your free hand while pulling the penis down.

Its fundiform ligaments are found on both sides of the penis. You can work these ligaments by stretching the penis to one side and then to the other. The main benefits of stretching these ligaments is that you should start to notice results fairly quickly and they are possibly some of the easiest penis exercises to complete.

There can be downsides to stretching the ligaments of the penis if it is not done correctly. I will jot down these below and the solutions:

– Through regular stretching of the ligament of the penis, you may begin to notice that your erection is at a lower angle. To overcome this, you must also exercise your PC muscle. This is as simple as squeezing the muscles you use to stop urinating. Try to squeeze these muscles for 10 to 20 seconds at a time and repeat 3 to 5 times a day.

– Ligament stretching can cause unsightly hair to grow along the shaft of the penis! The reason for this is that as you stretch the ligaments, you pull the skin from the base of your penis upwards. Unfortunately, therefore, hair will often follow the skin higher up the shaft. The best way to overcome this is by holding the base of your penis and stretching the skin just above your hand for 10 minutes a day. Shaft hair is primarily a problem if you have been circumcised.

– Trying to enlarge your penis naturally can have other effects! Due to the stretching of the skin, you may sometimes notice that you have a “turkey neck” scrotum. This is for the same reason as hair growth on the shaft. Just make sure that after your ligament is stretched you stretch the scrotal skin closest to the base of the penis and this should never be a problem!

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