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Emotional Eating – Best Solutions to Stress

Emotional Eating – Best Solutions to Stress

Are you an emotional eater addicted to sweets?

When you feel stressed or anxious, do you feel a sudden craving for chocolate?

Is your best friend a big bag of chips?

If you answered “yes” to these questions, you fit the profile of an emotional eater.

Millions of people fall into this category and emotional eating ranks as one of the top reasons people are overweight.

Emotional eating does not satisfy hunger, it temporarily satisfies an emotional or psychological disturbance in our well-being.

Eating is a quick and easy fix, as simple as opening the fridge, running to the corner drug store, or stopping at the fast food drive-thru.

We live in an incredibly stressful society. We may not have to walk five miles through snow to get to school like great-grandma did, but she didn’t face the pressures of life in the 21st century, either.

How is this battle won?

First, recognize what is happening inside of you.

When you experience a disturbing situation, what is your initial response? Do you want to run out and find something to put in your mouth, preferably sweet and/or salty?

Listen to that answer. Your body is telling you something. “I’m upset and stressed” is probably what you’re hearing.

But does your body really want a Hershey bar or a bag of chips? At first it makes you feel good, but an hour or two later you feel empty again, physically and emotionally.

The blame sets in and you still have the original situation unresolved.

Plus, the long-term consequences of poor nutrition take their toll on your body.

What else can you do besides eat?

Choose something that does NOT involve eating.

If you have a friend you can call, great; just make sure you don’t overload others. We all have problems, you know.

Instead, keep a book of inspirational sayings, quotes, or stories nearby. Force yourself to take out the book and go to one of the stories and start reading. As the words flow in front of your eyes, see how much better you begin to feel.

1) Vacuum carpet, clean kitchen counters, shine windows.

2) Knit a scarf, crochet a quilt, sew a quilt.

3) Shoot sneakers, swing a bat, take a walk.

4) Write a scathing letter to the person who upset you and then tear it up.

5) Read the Bible, pray, meditate.

6) Retreat to your basement, attic, or bathroom and scream at the top of your lungs!

Reaching for a book is as easy as searching for food, and cheaper too!

Getting started with your new responses to emotional distress will be the hardest part. Make it your goal and it will become a habit.

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