Dust mites, does the rainbow vacuum really get rid of them?

Dust mites, does the rainbow vacuum really get rid of them?

Years ago when I was demonstrating Rainbow vacuum cleaners, I never ceased to be amazed at the amount of dirt and dust I saw in most homes. Invariably I was able to muddy the water in the 2-quart water container that the Rainbow uses instead of a bag. In reality, the water always seemed to come from the Mississippi River or a local muddy stream.

One of the top health concerns for homeowners today is dust mites. Most people don’t realize that dust mites are a problem in the average home. One of the reasons dust mites like to live with you in your house is because it is comfortable there and they have a lot to eat. Dust mites like to make human-skin sandwiches … hold the mayo, please.

I remember doing a demonstration once in an upper middle class house in a very nice community a few years ago. The house was fairly new and looked very nice and clean inside even though they had two small dogs. They were extremely upset after I vacuumed a small area of ​​their carpet and then showed them what was on it. The water had become muddy as usual, but what surprised them the most was the fact that the water also contained a lot of freshly drowned fleas. Needless to say, they bought a unit for their family that night.

Yes, the Rainbow vacuum sucks up dust mites, fleas and many other nasty things and puts them where they belong … in the water.

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