Lifestyle Fashion
Dermaline skin whitening cream: how to use it correctly

Dermaline skin whitening cream: how to use it correctly

Dermaline skin whitening cream is arguably one of the most in-demand cosmetic products on the market. Why? This is because people have skin problems that just aren’t easy to ignore. Having dark underarms could stress anyone out. It can cause insecurities among women. People who have knees, elbows, inner thighs, or groin are also eager to know how to remove discolored part of their skin. Others got low confidence due to age spots, freckles and uneven skin tones. These skin problems make men and women look for cosmetic solutions.

Dermaline skin whitening cream is specially formulated so that it can be used by people who live in tropical areas that are hot and humid throughout the year. This product is combined with the use of moisturizer or sunscreen with high UVA + SPF 30 or higher. The skin whitening cream has the following active ingredients and their corresponding benefits:

(1) Kojic Acid: This substance is effective in whitening pigmentation problems such as age spots and freckles;

(2) licorice: inhibits pigmentation and has anti-inflammatory properties;

(3) Retinol: Accelerates cell turnover and skin exfoliation promoting healthier cells, giving you softer, smoother skin. It also reduces the size of your skin pores making you look younger.

(4) Vitamin C is said to minimize the production of melanin in the skin;

(5) lactic acid: fights wrinkles and uneven skin tone;

So how is this product used? First, before applying anything to your skin, make a habit of cleansing your face before bed. Then apply a pea-sized amount of the whitening cream, two to three times for the first week as suggested. You can increase the volume after the first week if you think you can handle your skin peeling.

For darker, uneven skin tones such as underarms, elbows, knees, groin, freckles, dark acne scars, and age spots; you should apply it directly on uneven skin tones. You can do this for about eight weeks to achieve the best results. If you seem to have achieved the skin tone you want, you can choose to scale back the application. However, results will vary when applying Dermaline Whitening Cream depending on your skin type and skin tone.

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