How to stop a border collie from digging in your garden

All dog lovers and dog owners know that with all the cuteness and joy, dogs come with many bad habits that can ruin many of their owners’ items, from shoes and clothing to their backyard. It’s not easy to make them stop, and even if you train them, they will keep doing destructive things while you’re away from home. The […]

Dust mites, does the rainbow vacuum really get rid of them?

Years ago when I was demonstrating Rainbow vacuum cleaners, I never ceased to be amazed at the amount of dirt and dust I saw in most homes. Invariably I was able to muddy the water in the 2-quart water container that the Rainbow uses instead of a bag. In reality, the water always seemed to come from the Mississippi River […]

How to Get Rid of Moles – Lawn Pests

Gopher is a type of lawn pest that can cause great damage to your lawn, if not treated properly. These pests typically attack lawns with damp soil, as this allows them to easily dig, tunnel, and eat the garden-grown planting. If you are looking for an answer on how to get rid of gophers, then the first step is to […]

Dig This – It’s National Potato Month!

My editor recently informed me that September is National Potato Month. Being both an Irishman of descent and a lover of all things – mashed potatoes, baked, fried, and roasted, I eagerly offered to dig a little for dirt in the beloved veggie. According to the US Department of Agriculture’s Economic Research Service, potatoes are the most popular vegetable in […]

Jack Russell Shedding – Top 3 Solutions

So you have adopted your adorable Jack Russell Terrier. Everything is fine, except that it sheds a lot. You weren’t expecting a Jack Russell hair loss problem when you adopted your dog. But now you discover that you cannot wear black, blue or any other dark color without having a lot of dog hair on your clothes. And when you […]

OMG my Great Dane ate his poop

I couldn’t believe it when I saw him do it. But surely there he was with a mouthful of his own poop, how disgusting he was! So I did what I always do, I googled it and this is what I found out. The act of eating poop has a technical word; coprophagia and simply means that dogs eat poop […]

Balanced diet for the nutrition of the Siberian husky

When you pick up your puppy from the dog breeder, ask the breeder for advice on the best diet to feed your Siberian husky. Initially, follow the diet that he recommends. But as the dog becomes an adult, he will have to change his diet to suit his preferences. Do not make any sudden changes to your dog’s diet, as […]

How to stop your Mastiff from excessive barking

If your puppy or mastiff dog is barking excessively, it could be due to many different things. He or she could get trapped or under a fence. He or she could be barking at other dogs in the neighborhood, or they could feel lonely and depressed. Dogs bark for many reasons. It would be impractical to think that your puppy […]

Plato, Pygmalion and my fair lady

In our time, the best known include William S. Gilbert, who wrote about two characters he called Pygmalion and Galatea. With music by his equally famous partner, Arthur Sullivan, his play was the hit of the 1871 London comic opera. Renowned Irish writer George Bernard Shaw took the idea into the realm of higher art with a work entitled ‘Pygmalion’ […]