4 common health problems of Tokay geckos and how to treat them

4 common health problems of Tokay geckos and how to treat them

As a pet owner, you need to make sure your gecko is healthy at all times. It is not enough that you give them food and maintain their tanks well. There are many other factors that affect the physical condition of geckos. However, the good thing about them is that they do not require too much attention like most pets. You can leave them alone for a day without having to worry about their well-being. But again, you have to make sure all of their needs are met to keep your geckos healthy and happy.

If you are new to gecko husbandry, particularly Tokay geckos, below are some of the more common health problems you may encounter. Let’s go through each of them thoroughly so that you know what to do when faced with such problems.

1 parasitism

Geckos can tolerate some internal parasites just like humans. But if they are injured, stressed, or sick, these parasites can easily spread until they are already absorbing all the nutrients the gecko needs to survive. Parasites can also live on the gecko’s external body. If you notice some scab-like areas on your pet’s skin, it is an indication of parasitism. Treatment of this condition includes the administration of antiparasitic medications and keeping the environment clean and well disinfected to avoid reinfection.


This condition is usually the result of moving to another environment. During your gecko’s first few days in its new tank, expect the gecko to experience some form of stress. Don’t take this topic lightly because stress often leads to many more health problems, such as poor hair loss, malnutrition, and more. Giving your gecko some time to adjust to its new environment is essential. Don’t hold it too long, especially if you’re not used to it. Managing geckos takes time and patience. You should not hold it when you want to. The right time is very important.

3 wounds

Normally, geckos living together in the same tank would fight and bite each other. This can cause injury. Even those who live alone can injure themselves by scratching their bodies with hard surfaces and pointed objects. Wounds can become infected, which can lead to more serious health problems for your Tokay. So be careful.

4.Metabolic bone disease

All geckos are prone to this health problem. To prevent the occurrence of metabolic bone diseases, they must be administered with calcium and vitamin D3. These vitamins come in the form of supplements that you can mix with your food. Geckos that do not receive a sufficient amount of calcium may experience a loss of bone density. This condition can result in crippling deformities.

Keeping your gecko healthy can be fun and challenging at the same time. There are a few things to consider as well. These include food, shelter, and vitamins. Your gecko should be well fed and attention should be paid to grow healthy, alert, and beautiful.

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