How Can Men Lose Weight Quickly?

95% of men eat incorrectly. They starve, exercise too much, and don’t rest. Find out how men can lose weight fast. Big meeting coming up? Do you need to prepare for the summer months? Either way, you are a man and you need to lose weight quickly, so what do you do? The most important thing is that you remember […]

10 minute workout secrets

One of the biggest hurdles I have to overcome with parents who are interested in losing weight and how to lose stomach fat is the question that revolves around my 10 minute workouts. They want to know if the 10 minute workouts are long enough. They want to know if they can really lose stomach fat while only exercising for […]

The Cardio Fitness Secret That Powers Lance Armstrong

What is Lance Armstrong doing that you can do to improve your results? Most people exercise to lose weight, focusing solely on that one goal. objective wait, it’s not just about looking aesthetically pleasing, putting on those skinny jeans, or lose ten pounds. It really is about improving your health and your health performance. Every day when he puffs and […]

Natural Male Breast Reduction – Lose Breast Fat Naturally

Natural male breast reduction is performed without the use or involvement of surgery. There are basically two methods to reduce breast size and these are natural and surgical. Man boobs are known as gynecomastia. Surgery can be quite expensive to perform and that depends mainly on the surgeon’s experience and location. Hospital and other fees associated with surgery can also […]

Season Wrestling Weightlifting: 30 Second Workout

Incorporating weight lifting into a busy fighting season can be tricky and should be done with caution. A program designed to produce strength gains often involves heavy lifting and should include at least a few repetition maximums as trials. Due to the high demand on the athlete’s nervous system and the possibility of injury that comes with lifting heavy objects, […]

Burns Belly Fat with a Metabolic Boost

The body’s metabolic function is a great piece of natural engineering that can help anyone lose weight and improve their levels of health, fitness, and general well-being. The metabolic system is made up of a complicated combination of hormones and enzymes that work together not only to help convert the food and beverages we eat into calories, but also help […]

Headaches With High Protein Diet From Weight Loss Surgery

Why do we suffer from headaches when we go from a diet high in processed carbohydrates to a diet high in protein? Many weight loss surgery patients wonder this. In fact, there are several reasons for headaches when following a high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet. More importantly, there are several little things we can do to ease headaches: First, when we switch […]

Using gymnastic rings to train for rock climbing

Gymnastic rings are an incredibly versatile training tool for rock climbing. While they won’t train finger strength, they will work many important muscles, such as the arms, shoulders, back, and core. They also build a high strength-to-weight ratio, which is important for gymnasts and climbers alike. I bought my own pair of rings four years ago and have not returned […]