Two back exercises to avoid and their alternatives

There are many weight-bearing exercises that have benefits for you and your fitness. There are some weighted exercises that can cause serious problems if not performed correctly. Although I am not someone who avoids an exercise because it can be executed poorly, I believe that there are better alternatives than those exercises. Isolation-type exercises can cause problems and serve no […]

Grapefruit Answers

Frown and prepare to savor grapefruit at every meal. In The Grapefruit Solution, this citrus fruit is the secret to losing weight. But don’t worry: you can choose fruit, juice, or a supplemental version of this wonderful fruit. Grapefruit is so magical that simply adding it to your eating plan, the diet says, will lead to weight loss. The claim […]

Elliptical Trainer Vs Treadmill: Which One Is Best?

The elliptical trainer and treadmill are popular cardio equipment. Both stand out for facilitating complete cardiovascular exercises. At the same time that it quickly tracks the fat burning process, not to mention improving the overall aerobic capacity of its users. However, each of these teams can present unique benefits compared to the other. To this end, the following is a […]

Aerobic exercise: benefits, examples, and how to tell if you are REALLY doing aerobic exercise

“Aerobics” is a term first coined by Dr. Kenneth Cooper, an exercise physiologist at San Antonio Air Force Hospital. He developed the formula of subtracting your age from 220 and exercising your heart rate at 60-80% of that number. Although he originally formulated “aerobics” to help astronauts, he soon realized that this type of exercise was useful for everyone. The […]

What is the problem with penis contraction? Here’s everything a man needs to know about penis atrophy

Penis Atrophy – It’s one of those medical terms that just doesn’t sound right. Nobody wants their muscles to atrophy, especially the love muscle. But just like spinach and sunscreen, it is something a man should know about and try to prevent if possible. Penis atrophy, also known as penis shrinkage, is when the size of the penis appears to […]

The 6 best foods to build muscle

To maximize your muscle building results, it is very important that you eat the right foods. In this article, I will talk about 6 of the best foods for building muscle. Eggs are definitely one of the best foods for building muscle. They are digested and absorbed very easily, especially when in their natural, raw form. It is important to […]

Does taking Medifast make you tired or sluggish?

Sometimes I hear from people who are concerned about certain things that they hear about the Medifast diet. They are often interested in diet but are concerned about perceived side effects. An example is that of drowsiness or fatigue. I heard someone say, “I have a dear friend who has been very successful with Medifast. I am interested in doing […]

Good abdominal exercises

One of the exercise trends that personal trainers and physical trainers have big trouble with is the way people think about abdominal exercises. Most people still think that what was considered “good” abdominal exercises fifty years ago are the best ways they can develop their stomach. Squats and crunches are not as effective as most people thought. Personal trainers have […]

Joseph Pilates in his later years

Joseph Pilates puts his future wife Clara, a kindergarten teacher, on the boat to Ellis Island. The story goes that Clara suffered from arthritis and Joe worked with her to increase her mobility and ease her pain. Once in New York they opened their gym at 939 Eighth Avenue, in the same building that housed George Ballanchine’s rehearsal studios for […]