Health Fitness
Does taking Medifast make you tired or sluggish?

Does taking Medifast make you tired or sluggish?

Sometimes I hear from people who are concerned about certain things that they hear about the Medifast diet. They are often interested in diet but are concerned about perceived side effects. An example is that of drowsiness or fatigue. I heard someone say, “I have a dear friend who has been very successful with Medifast. I am interested in doing it myself, but I am concerned about fatigue. When my friend first started the diet, she was sleepy and tired for the first week. sort of. This is a big concern for me because I have a very stressful job that requires a lot of energy. Will I get sleepy or get tired of Medifast? “

It is almost impossible for me to predict what someone’s experience might be. I have heard many variations on the experiences of different people. I’ve heard some people say that they were a bit more tired initially. And I’ve heard some say that they actually felt more energy. There are many theories as to why this happens, but here is mine.

First of all, you need to understand that when you use this diet as designed, your body will eventually enter a metabolic state called ketosis in which your body is burning its own fat. When this happens, your body is working very hard. That could be why they suggest not exercising or at least taking it easy for the first few weeks. Your body is already working and you may not be used to this process. That is why I think that some feel fatigue, because their body is working more than usual. However, some people report feeling extra energy and a lack of cravings when they hit ketosis. Again, there are a variety of possible answers.

I also think that some people report that they have more energy on this diet because many of the foods are lactose and gluten free and extremely easy to digest. For people who have had digestive problems, this can make them feel much better and have much more energy, as their body has not had to work during digestion. Along the same line of thinking, many people go from eating three main meals to eating six smaller meals on the diet. This can also make digestion easier.

On the other hand, some find that they have less energy by consuming fewer calories. However, since you have to eat every few hours, this becomes less of a problem due to the frequency. But to answer the question posed, you may feel less energy when starting the diet for the first time. But you may also feel more energetic. Regardless of what you experience, most people only need to adjust for the first week or so. After that, you get used to the diet and find that you experience what your new normal is.

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