1995 Chevy Truck – How to Remove the Steering Wheel

Any vehicle is subject to wear and tear and so is any part of the vehicle. No matter how expensive and reputable it is, there is no change to this rule. The same goes for the steering wheel on the 1995 Chevy truck. The only way out of this problem is to replace the steering wheel with a new one. […]

Need for Speed: The Legacy

There may not be much I remember about my childhood years, but there is one thing I remember loud and clear, and that is the Need For Speed ​​game that my father had gifted me on my seventh day. birthday. The cover had on it a side view of a car, being chased by another. For some it might have […]

Why choose a Tesla electric car?

If you are looking for an eco-friendly option for your new vehicle, chances are you are considering buying an electric car. Not only is an electric car better for the environment, but it will also save you thousands of dollars each year that you would otherwise spend on gas and other motor overhead, making an electric car an overall smart […]

The benefits of adding a wind deflector on the sunroof

Sunroof deflectors look and function as front deflectors or insect shields by redirecting the wind up and back. In the case of the sunroof deflector, it pushes the air up and over the opening of the sunroof. This helps reduce wind noise and turbulence inside your car, truck, van, or SUV. And it still has the advantage of letting hot […]

Sports Cars – Introduction

A car designed for high speed and power, tight handling and striking looks is what is known as a sports car. There are several cars that can confer on the driver the status of being a great driver. Sports cars are in this category. These are produced every year, and each production is better than the last. They have a […]

What you need to know about SUVs

Sport utility vehicles It’s no wonder SUVs are among the most popular cars in America. SUVs provide room to walk and can handle adverse driving conditions and surfaces. They are the perfect vehicle for the busy family on the go. However, there are a number of SUV issues that need to be considered when purchasing any new vehicle to ensure […]

2012 Ford Ecosport Vs Ford Kuga

Ford introduces the new Ecosport as its first global compact SUV in Brazil and then in Asian markets. Recently, Ford of Europe did the same designed for the global market, but announced that it was its first Kuga compact sport utility vehicle. Both the Ford Ecosport and Kuga offer passenger car-like comfort and SUV versatility that deliver superior fuel efficiency, […]