Tips and techniques against premature ejaculation

Aren’t you holding out a lot in bed? Are you looking to extend sexual pleasure? You are likely to face premature ejaculation if so, and this is a problem that you share with many other men around the world. It could lead to embarrassment and shyness, especially with the fact that you are unable to fulfill your partner’s wishes. But […]

Creation of a new genre: Blog Hop?

Hip-Hop subgenres have for too long been divided like cliques in high school at lunchtime. There was a time in the not too distant ’90s where Hip-Hop of all flavors could rock out in the same place, spit out the same remix, and the youth was the only demographic. Today’s average rapper must answer whether their music is Underground, Mainstream, […]

Things I learned from TV and movies

When talking on the phone, you don’t need to say goodbye. When you have all the information you want, just hang up. Even if the other person is your boss and they called you, and they haven’t finished talking, that’s fine, just hang up. When you follow someone and you don’t want to be seen, you don’t have to hide. […]

Tungsten did the magic

The main and natural source of light for man is the sun; the gigantic fiery mass that lights up the solar system, including the earth; along with heat and radiation. Our consciousness has no doubt that the sun is central and stationary in the system. Furthermore, rotations on their own axes and revolutions on the sun itself, the Earth and […]

A rowdy guy who made pro wrestling fans smile

In 2015, the world of sports and entertainment lost a legend who passed away too young. “Rowdy” Roddy Piper died of a heart attack at the age of 61. Born Roderick George Toombs in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada in 1954, Piper was a professional wrestling superstar whose interviews on “Piper’s Pit” were as legendary as his antics in and out of […]

The best TV families with only sisters

Family life has always been a staple of sitcoms on television, usually clans that are a bit dysfunctional but totally lovable. From the early days of television to its heyday in the ’70s and’ 89s until now, many sitcoms have revolved around families. The former are shows like “The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet” and “Father Knows Best”, along with […]

Why are there no fat vampires

Have you ever wondered why you never see fat vampires in the movies? Aside from all the love stories of teenage vampires and Hollywood exotic vampires with a European accent, I have yet to see overweight vampires. (Okay, maybe that really big one in the first Blade movie with Wesley Snipes.) Even the really crazy and ugly ones are often […]

Best places to shop in Singapore’s Little India

Singapore’s Little India is a bustling area that is a total assault on all your senses. The sights, smells, and flavors really put your senses into overdrive. It is one of the most authentic ethnic enclaves in Singapore and is therefore a major tourist attraction. When you are in Little India, one of the best ways to experience it all […]

Drake – The famous name of rap music

Music is the best source of entertainment for everyone. It is part of human life today. In fact, music is medicine for the soul. The love for musicians and singers among people is unlimited, clearly reflecting their popularity and prominence. There are several musical genres. Whenever people talk about rap, a name comes to everyone’s mind. That’s none other than […]