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Beyond the Tao of Physics – The Spirituality of Science

Beyond the Tao of Physics – The Spirituality of Science

Physics: a link to the past

A third of a century has passed since Fritjof Capra’s bestseller The Tao of Physics. Capra related the similarities between the physics and cosmology of the time (1975) with Eastern mysticism. Since then, dozens of scientific discoveries have left scientists baffled and the general public in lockdown.

To make the observations fit the theory, scientists have recently proposed that 96% of the universe lacks dark matter and dark energy, that space is not empty but full of energy, that there are at least seven hidden dimensions, that the “Fundamental Particles” in Capra’s book are not fundamental, that there are an infinity of parallel universes, that the universe is nothing more than information, and that simply knowing the DNA sequence of an organism does not reveal the secret of the life.

Capra’s book suggests a theory where everything is interconnected and manifests only with consciousness. Do recent scientific claims support this? Yes. But they also go far beyond Eastern mysticism and hint at the original teachings of religions and the ancient spiritual teachings of every culture in the world. Capra predicted that new scientific revelations would lead to a more accurate portrait of our world. In fact, in less than four decades we have a new vision of the world.

The science of the 21st century: a beacon of light towards the spiritual

I have collated cosmology, physics, biology and other sciences with spiritual teachings and found that a new truth is emerging. The science of this century has caught up with spiritual teachings several millennia old. To understand the new truth, we must understand that the universe is mental and spiritual, that matter is a convenient metaphor used by humans to make sense of our world, that our senses gasp, but one billionth of what is out there, that the big questions such as the origin of life, the genesis of the universe and the nature of reality still do not have satisfactory scientific explanations.

However, the amazing discoveries of recent years bring us closer to appreciating the inscrutable representations of reality in Eastern mysticism, as well as the spiritual teachings of all ancient cultures. I have sought to bridge the gap between science and spirituality by explaining recent scientific discoveries related to our origins, reality, misperceptions, the body/mind, consciousness, spirituality, and the afterlife.

My journey took me through the amazing scientific concepts of the creation of the universe, life and humanity. The new theories reveal an initial vision of reality. Recent advances explain how the mind and consciousness emerge from the body and the brain, overturning previous dogmas and offering new methods of healing. New studies provide fascinating information about the possibility of life after death. By comparing 21st century science to spiritual beliefs, I discovered how the gap between science and spirituality can be healed.

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