A Guide for Cannabis Companies to Avoid the Shadows and Market Effectively on Social Media

A Guide for Cannabis Companies to Avoid the Shadows and Market Effectively on Social Media

Improving brand visibility is not child’s play. Content creators must roll up their sleeves and work diligently to increase their social media presence. However, in doing so, they must also follow certain rules to ensure that their posts do not conflict with the community guidelines of various social media channels. Instagram is undoubtedly one of the most used social media to improve your reach and reinforce your image. In fact, a well-established presence on this platform can do wonders for a business.

However, for cannabis entrepreneurs, the situation can get a bit daunting. Instagram for the cannabis store has become problematic mainly due to its dominance over the cannabis business. It can be seen in the form of shadowbanning on the content of such companies, which hinders their efforts to improve their reach on this popular platform. Surely there must be some way around it. More importantly, what does shadowban imply?

What is Shadowbanning?

It refers to blocking the content of a specific user on social networks so that the user does not know what is happening. Once they have been subjected to the shadowing ban, social media platforms like Facebook, TikTok, or Instagram will hide their posts so they don’t appear in hashtags. If it’s banned on IG, your posts won’t show up on others’ feeds until those people follow you.

In a nutshell; shadowbanning is the ultimate nightmare for content creators and marketers. It drastically reduces the ability of your page to be found by new followers. Worse still, you won’t even get an Instagram notification about your shadow. The clever algorithm will do its job quietly, leaving you stranded in the dark.

If Instagram deletes your posts for going against community guidelines multiple times, your entire account may soon be permanently deleted. Suffice it to say, in any case, you don’t want that to happen. So how can you get away with it? Well, following certain tips and tricks.

Instagram for the cannabis store: how to use the algorithm to your advantage

Let’s call things by their name. If you are a company that operates with the cannabis industry and you post images of cannabis and its products, Instagram will not like them. Consequently, you will have to bear the burden of being banned by the shadow. But you can’t deny that this social media platform is an important component of your social media marketing strategy. Here are some tips you can use to promote your business.

1. Focus on diversity of content

First, evaluate what your company offers customers. Then collect a bunch of images and videos that reflect your customer experiences and your brand vision. When you discover how your brand meets the needs of your customers, you can discover the customer experience that your company displays.

With this in mind, share images of your staff, the activities of the dispensary, the honors you have received, and what you stand for. All of this should express the lifestyle that your audience wants to experience when interacting with your brand. Your goal should be to actively contribute to cannabis culture on Instagram rather than simply flaunting your products. In short, share lifestyle, experiences and people on IG page.

2. Take advantage of Instagram tools

There is no shortage of tools that Instagram provides to brands. You can use tools like Instagram Stories, Instagram Guides, Reels, and Carousel Posts to enhance your engagement with your audience and help them get to know you better. All of these tools have different features and are great for promoting your brand in different ways.

For example, with the Instagram Guides, you can provide more comprehensive content, such as tutorials and FAQs. With Reels, you can create incredibly engaging 15-30 second videos about your brand and post them. If you want to post some long-form video content, feel free to use IGTV.

3. Become a user responsible for hashtags

This is where you need to be careful. You cannot use popular hashtags like #cannabis, #weed, #cannabiscommunity and many more in your posts. It is a sure way to shade yourself. You should write your hashtags carefully, even if it means removing hashtags from cannabis entirely. Get innovative and use unique words like C * nnabis on your Facebook and Instagram pages. Instead of marijuana, write ouid or st0ner for a stoner.

4. Make your content informative.

Who does not like to acquire knowledge and information? Facebook and Instagram are always ready to do it. Accredited publications providing studies and research on cannabis are not excluded primarily because they are educational in nature. Follow the lead of these educational accounts and tailor their content to educate people on terpene interactions and legal rules. It will give you an air of authority. Impart new knowledge to your followers in each of your videos.

Today, hemp and cannabis companies are making progress in eliminating the stereotypes associated with these products. It also means that there is a lot of incorrect information about cannabis and hemp products that needs to be rectified. Take advantage and start building a bond of trust with your audience.

5. Don’t make mistakes that you can easily avoid

You will find that the Instagram environment for the cannabis store becomes more unfavorable for your business if you keep making mistakes regarding your content on this platform. These are some of the mistakes you can fix.

Food to go?

Don’t fall into the trap of getting inspired by a company that can successfully promote their cannabis-related sales content on IG. Know that according to the rules of Instagram, posting any product or service related to cannabis is not correct. Lastly, find out about the new rules and regulations so you don’t make any mistakes.

Do you need help getting past the new cannabis laws and advancing your marketing game? Contact Promarketer, a marketing company that specializes in enabling businesses to gain more traction online while complying with the laws.

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