Health Fitness
5 simple ways to prepare the beach bikini

5 simple ways to prepare the beach bikini

If you prefer to be the girl in the skimpy teeny bikini rather than hide behind a costume, you’ll love these easy ways to get the bikini body you want. The physical condition of women is the basis for keeping your body in optimal shape. But if you haven’t kept up with your diet and exercise program, these simple tricks can help you get back on track.

1. Substitute soft drinks for water. Non-diet soft drinks on average contain 150 calories, while water has none. Water hydrates every cell in the body, helps flush out toxins, and also freshens the mouth. The body requires waste to function effectively. Soft drinks actually dehydrate the body, are high in sugar, and contain caffeine. Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water in addition to the other beverages you consume each day. However, you probably won’t be so thirsty from taking too many drinks if you faithfully drink the required amount of water, no doubt saving yourself hundreds of calories.

2. Take a 15-minute walk once or twice a day. Do this in addition to your exercise program. One of the many wonderful things about walking is that you don’t have to walk at an aerobic pace to reap the health benefits. While exercising isn’t always a good idea right after a meal, taking a post-meal walk can aid digestion, help you burn calories, and give you a good excuse to get away from the table.

3. Cut your portion sizes in half. Gradually start putting smaller portions on your plate; tell yourself you can come back for more if you’re still hungry. A little self-talk is beneficial as it eases the feeling that you are depriving yourself of food. Before going back for extra food, wait a few minutes after eating your last bite and allow your brain and stomach to sync up with their signals. Many times the mind still thinks it is hungry but the stomach is already full. This leads to overeating, which in turn adds to the pounds. If you’re ready to look good in that bikini, today is the day to start cutting back on portions.

4. Listen to your body. What is he saying? Are you really hungry or does your mind crave stimulation? Many times we just get bored and start eating. We crave satisfaction and tend to return to our most primal need… to feed ourselves. Food is not the problem, food is the answer. By eating smaller meals frequently throughout the day, you can stay satisfied and not be tempted to mindlessly snack between meals.

5. Participate in circuit training exercises. Circuits are a great way to lose weight and get fit really fast. In fact, it may be the best way to get your bikini ready in as little as 15 minutes a day. Circuits alternate plyometrics with strength training, performing 8 to 10 exercises with no rest in between. It may take some work to build your endurance, but do as much as you can and in no time you’ll build strength, endurance, and a body that’s ready for the beach, pool, or spa.

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