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5 rules of the road on the road to being a cool Christian

5 rules of the road on the road to being a cool Christian

Christians get a bad rap at gambling on cool guys. Look at any recent mainstream movie and the Christian in the picture is the one with the serial killer obsession. Christianity is often made to symbolize those things that a modern, tolerant society finds stagnant in the past and very stubborn, holding intolerant views often to the detriment of others and sometimes even lethal! So when did Christianity become the bad boy religion? Is there a cure?

Let’s start by saying that religion is not a bad thing. Being a believer in something outside of ourselves, the beginning and the end of everything, is actually quite a reasonable position to take in life. While science theorizes and tests, the believer simply sits and waits for science to catch up. But sometimes it has gone too far and reaches that unacceptable state that is the need to dominate others and preach a doctrine that violates the rights of people.

My question is, “When did Jesus do that?” The answer is NEVER.

So what are the 5 rules that Jesus would pass on the journey to be a cool Christian?

  1. Never judge others. This is rule number one because it is the one that stumbles most Christians. The first thing you want to do when you discover your faith is tell others what they have to do to discover yours. Although he encouraged an evangelical nature, Jesus refused to judge anyone and said that judgment was his father’s responsibility. Now some people would say that if Jesus is God, then Jesus is being a bit smart, dodging the problem by passing the buck. But there is a good reason for it. Although Jesus is of God earthly person is not at the same time the spiritual God. Only the spiritual God from his throne in heaven (beyond space and time) is in a position to make an honest judgment. We just can’t do it from our perspective because we don’t know enough about the circumstances as a whole and we can’t know what role someone plays in God’s life. greater than plan. We leave the judgment and punishment to the legal apparatus of the state and to God.
  2. Have fun without causing harm. Proverbs 17.22 says “A happy heart is good medicine.” You cannot be happy if you constantly worry about doing the right thing. The only way to be cheerful is to remain faithful and, from time to time, give in to the things that make you happy, different for everyone, as long as they do not hurt you or infect others. So what about all the pros and cons of the Bible? Yes, there are many things that we are not supposed to do, but most of them revolve around staying safe and they form the basis of good advice for everyone, regardless of their beliefs. An occasional drink, an intimate love affair, jokes with friends, everything is good for the soul.
  3. Be there to help others whenever you can. There is no need to constantly be pointing out virtues about all the good deeds you do, but in a calm way, be available when others need you. Train yourself to be alert to the needs of others. Sometimes this involves nothing more than being a good listener or available partner. At other times, more serious help is required. Do what you can according to your abilities is the advice that the Bible gives.
  4. Spend time alone or with other people in worship and prayer. Worship and prayer is something everyone does all the time, conscious or unsuspecting, religious or not. Celebrity worship has grown out of our need to worship others and even the most stubborn atheist will cry out to God in times of deep distress. The Bible warns against idol worship, but encourages constant and regular communion with God. A prayer each day keeps our needs and wants in perspective, and praise-filled singing alongside other Christians reminds us that we are not alone. This leads to a healthy state of mind that benefits us and that we can carry with us all the time for the benefit of others.
  5. Be less concerned with appearances. Many people are too eager to be that perfect beacon for others to constantly admire and shout their faith from the rooftops. In fact, the Bible tells us to be open about our beliefs, but pontificating too much can be a pain in a gathering of people who have different opinions. Relax in the company of others and be as open to their beliefs as you hope yours will be. There is no need to constantly be exhibiting your moral virtues, or making others feel bad about the lack of theirs, which, in any case, may just be your false interpretation of them. Remember Matthew 7: 3: “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the board in your own eye?

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