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4 actions to exorcise your ex from the demons in a past relationship

4 actions to exorcise your ex from the demons in a past relationship

How hard can it be to get over a past relationship? If there was a way to erase the memories of your ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend, then maybe you wouldn’t be haunted for many months or years to come. Since that’s not going to happen, all you can do is try to get over it. Just follow the actions below to exorcise your ex to get rid of the demons from a past relationship.

delete all contact

Your first action is to end any and all communication with your ex, whether you or your ex is doing all the calling and/or texting. If your goal is to get over your ex and move on with your life, then all lines of communication need to cease and desist. Otherwise, this level of communication will only remind you of the breakup and lead you to the heartbreak hotel.

Create a support group

The second action requires you to create a support group. Talk to people close to you, like friends and family, about your circumstances. They will be more inclined to help you reach your goal while you work on your emotions. The people close to you will also be on your side when you feel a little vulnerable and weak. So use your support to your advantage and stay on track to get over your ex.

acknowledge your feelings

This third action is the process in which you acknowledge your feelings. It’s hard to ignore what happened to you or erase the love relationship you once had or avoid dealing with the emotional stress of it all. But somehow, somehow you have to cope with whatever you’re going through right now. When things get too emotional, talk to your support group. The more you open up, the more you release your emotions. This will be an acknowledgment of your feelings, which is the quickest course you can take in going through the process.

get them out of here

The next and last action is to release your emotions. Each and every person has a unique way of dealing with emotions. Some people undergo rigorous hard training or even a boxing routine to manage their anger and stress. Others will work harder, journal, or do something else to deal with the pain inside. This should be part of your regimen when trying to get all your emotions out. Start taking them out now so you can get over your ex

Having the willpower to carry out these actions is extremely important. Crying into your pillow while writhing in self-pity is not the answer… it doesn’t help!

Some people may find these steps a bit difficult to follow when trying to cut a relationship out of their lives. You may be one of them, but understand that you will be doing yourself a lot of damage if you do not put these actions into practice. Initially, you will probably have to work with every action to exorcise your ex. Getting rid of the demons of your past relationship as quickly as possible will pay off in time.

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