10 Energy Penis Foods Every Man Should Eat

10 Energy Penis Foods Every Man Should Eat

Is it possible for a man to eat his way to a healthier and more robust penis? Strange to say, but totally true. And don’t worry, these are easy to find everyday foods, with no tiger penis or anything that needs to be bought on the black market. These penis superfoods have properties like pleasure-enhancing minerals, libido-boosting enzymes, and foods that naturally increase blood flow to the little big guy below. Here are ten energy penis foods men should be sure to add to their cart during their next trip to the grocery store.

# 1: An Apple a Day Keeps Prostate Cancer Away

Enjoy on the go, with peanut butter or in a salad, this superfood for the penis contains the flavonoid quercetin. This special flavonoid stops the secretion of prostate-specific androgen-regulated tumor markers from prostate cells, which in turn reduces the risk of prostate cancer.

# 2: avocados fuel libido

Every hipster’s favorite toast is packed with healthy omega-3 fatty acids that support heart health. But that is not all! They are also full of energy-boosting folic acid and vitamin B6. B6 also regulates prolactin, which is a great libido shaker.

# 3: bring bromelain bananas

Well, there are few foods that look more like a penis than a banana, it only makes sense that they help their siblings in a similar way. Bananas are really a food for the penis. First, they deliver bromelain, which is an enzyme that thins the blood and increases testosterone. They then continue with potassium which helps the blood circulate and summons the soldier.

# 4: men can’t beat beets

Well well. Beets aren’t everyone’s favorite veggie, but men should love them. High in nitrates, beets are excellent vasodilators, which means that they open up blood vessels and stimulate blood flow. Roast them, squeeze them or taste them in a delicious salad with goat cheese and arugula.

# 5: Brazil nuts because everything is hotter in Brazil

They are practically the best known way to obtain selenium, which is crucial for the production and mobility of sperm. For men looking to increase both, a handful each day is more than enough to get the RDA.

# 6: Brussels Sprouts Are Sexy … Believe It

One would never know by looking at the frequently rejected bud, but Brussels sprouts boost libido immediately after consumption. They have a compound called indole-3-carbinol that reduces estrogen and makes testosterone more dominant in the body. I hate them? Try them grated with olive oil, garlic, bacon, and spices; everything tastes better with bacon.

# 7: carrots stimulate swimmers

There may be another reason why Buggs was always nibbling on a carrot. Carrots are packed with vitamin A, which is not only good for your eyes, but also regulates progesterone, which stimulates sperm production. Remember, there is that saying, “mate like rabbits.”

# 8: Celery – The Unassuming Aphrodisiac

Tommy Lee once made famous claims about celery and it’s easy to see why. The strong aroma that celery emanates comes from two steroids called androsterone and adrostenol, and when ingested, the aroma attracts the opposite sex and significantly increases arousal. In addition to its seductive scent, it also contains arginine, an amino acid that expands blood vessels in the penis like popular penile medications do.

# 9: chili peppers bring the heat

Studies show that men who eat spicy foods tend to have higher levels of testosterone. Capsaicin, a chemical in chili peppers, stimulates the nerves and increases the heart rate. They also release endorphins and other “feel good” hormones that enhance sex.

# 10: “Now bring us some fig pudding”

In the popular Christmas song, “We wish you a Merry Christmas,” there seem to be many demands for fig pudding. Why not brownies or bread pudding? Those madrigal singers probably knew that figs are high in iron, fiber, potassium and magnesium, which increases the secretion of pheromones, leading to spending many winter nights in front of the fire. They have also been linked to fertility.

In addition to getting a regular dose of penis energy foods, men who want to stay “bull strong” in their nether region should also consider a specially formulated penis health cream. (Health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically shown to be safe and gentle on the skin) It also contains some of the essential vitamins and nutrients mentioned above. These creams are a great addition to daily grooming and keep the penis hydrated, flexible, and protected from the elements and common problems like nerve damage and dryness. So in this case, men can not only eat superfood for penis, but also apply (in cream form) directly to their member.

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