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World of Warcraft: earn money from the Darkmoon Faire

World of Warcraft: earn money from the Darkmoon Faire

World of Warcraft is an infinite reservoir of wealth that players explore in a variety of ways. Most of them are open to all WoW players and use them as they please, based on their play style, time availability, or preference. One of the less obvious gold earning strategies in World of Warcraft is the Darkmoon Faire, a monthly event that lasts for a week and visits one of three locations consecutively. The three Darkmoon Mark locations are: Mulgore, Elwynn Forest, and Terokkar Forest.

The Darkmoon Faire has two NPCs, Lhara and Professor Thaddeus, who sell exotic goods. These items (which include rare gems, high-tier herbs, scrolls, motes, and leather) are randomly generated every few minutes and can be bought at ridiculously low prices and then sold at the auction house for a good profit.

The most efficient way to make gold when visiting the Darkmoon Faire is to have two accounts: a Horde character for Mulgore and an Alliance character for Elwynn Forest. This way, you can ensure that you can always buy Darkmoon Faire Rare without worrying about nasty surprises from an enemy player.

Lhara mainly sells herbs. Usually, you will be able to buy 5 to 20 items from him at one time, as long as there is no other player camping this NPC at the same time. We recommend buying all high-level herbs, as well as Black Lotus or Ghost Mushrooms. We do not recommend buying Mana Thistle as it is usually more expensive than AH prices. You will also be able to buy various leathers, but generally only the level 60+ leathers are sure to bring you a good profit.

Professor Thaddeus sells gems, specks, and scrolls of exceptional quality. In general, it is recommended that you buy all gemstones except for thalassite and all specks. Scrolls can make you Some benefit, but the best sellers are Scroll of Protection V, Scroll of Agility V, Scroll of Strength V, as they are in high demand from high-level assault players.

On servers with a massive population, you are likely to have competition. This not only affects the number of items you can buy, but also the price variations in the auction house during the fair, as most players using this strategy will try to sell the items as quickly and as cheaply as possible. . Therefore, it is recommended that you save your purchases for a while, until their prices return to normal.

How you sell your items in general, and Darkmoon Faire items in particular, affects how much money you will make selling them. In addition to using the plugin called Auctioneer (which helps you better manage and list your items, but also offers an average price for all items), we recommend that you post your auctions one by one, rather than in stacks. This way, you will be able to add a little silver to the price of each item and earn 25 gold for a stack that you sold on individual items, instead of 20 that you would have obtained by wholesaling them.

When the fair is in Terokkar Forest, you should bring your highest level character (preferably with a flying mount and some resilience gear) as this place is more popular than Mulgore and Elwynn Forest. Another tip is to bring two characters, a Horde and an Alliance, and if there is another player camping the NPCs, you can always register the character on the same side to avoid fights or ambushes. For example, if there is a Horde character who buys items from Lhara and Thaddeus, you will register your Horde character and the other player will not be able to attack you. Since this can also work the other way around, you can register your opposing faction character to kill that player and keep the loot all to yourself, but be careful not to become the one gankee.

In general, a good harvest from the Darkmoon Faire should bring you up to 2-3000 gold in a week with little effort (you can exit the game and only check NPCs every few minutes). Hopefully, that epic glittering flying mount will be yours in no time, or if you already have it, Wrath of the Lich King is just around the corner and predictions say you’ll need a good reserve of money to purchase the items. that you need. I need in expansion.

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