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Why is my ex boyfriend an idiot?  Information about why he is acting this way

Why is my ex boyfriend an idiot? Information about why he is acting this way

Why is my ex boyfriend an idiot? You’ve wondered about this, right? Since the breakup it’s almost as if your boyfriend has turned into a rude and mean man. You barely recognize his behavior. Obviously, the breakup was a challenge for both of them, but she finds it hard to imagine why he has gone so far as to treat them in such a disrespectful and cruel way. It is especially difficult for you since a part of you still loves and misses him very much. But you can’t continue to get close to someone who seems intent on causing you emotional pain. Overcoming this has to start with a deeper level of understanding. If you want your ex boyfriend to stop being a jerk, you first need to identify why he is acting the way he is.

Men obviously act like jerks for a variety of reasons. Some men seem to be born that way, but if you and your boyfriend were able to build a loving relationship, he probably wasn’t always so rude or mean to you. For many men, they assume the persona of a jerk as a defense mechanism. If the breakup was especially painful for both of you, your man may have built an emotional wall around him and, in an effort to prevent you from getting close to him again, he treats you badly.

This seems like a horrible idea, doesn’t it? Treating the person you once loved in such a cruel and indifferent way. In your boyfriend’s heart and mind, he may not even realize that he’s doing that. It can be incredibly painful for him every time he sees you or talks to you. He can imagine the future that will never be and that’s so hard for him that he lashes out at you. Granted, it’s not fair to you when he treats you that way, but it’s important to recognize that it may not be entirely intentional. His emotions can be so overwhelming that they come out in a very negative way.

However, it is important that you do not get lost in this. If you still have lingering feelings for him, it’s vital that you steer clear of rude behavior. Apologize every time he starts to ramble on about what he doesn’t like about you or how much you hurt him. If you allow him to treat you this way continually without taking a stand, he will grow to disrespect you and then any chance of reconciliation will be gone.

Consider the idea of ​​just not talking to him for a while. You may need a chance to calm down and accept what you are feeling. If you’re not there to be his verbal punching bag, he’ll start to realize how much he values ​​you as a woman and as a couple. A period of time to give her a chance to calm down and control her feelings would be beneficial to both of you.

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