Digital Marketing
Why is it important to tell stories in business?

Why is it important to tell stories in business?

Good storytelling includes bringing facts to the table along with additional information that brings the reader closer to the narrator.

The goal is to weave a compelling story that draws the reader in so that they actually care about the outcome of the story. The more a customer cares about their story, the longer they will remain a customer and demonstrate brand and product loyalty.

Create an email series

A good way to prepare your audience for an emotional story is to start small and deliver the story in parts through a series of emails. Keep each email short, around 350-450 words, and with a small point.

embed video

Using video for part or even the whole story can help bring more emotion to the story because people generally get more excited when looking at people and pictures than just reading the text. Using both text and video can be the best of both worlds.

Include Testimonials

Text and video testimonials from your satisfied customers can evoke emotions in those who haven’t bought from you yet, because they will want what your satisfied customers want. They will also trust you more when the videos are very authentic and real.

Put customers first

In every story it is important to put your customer first. Learn as much as you can about your customers and incorporate the things that matter to them into your stories. This shows that you know them well and can talk about the things that concern them the most.

Draw attention with negative stories

Pull emotional strings to get their attention with negative aspects of a story that will be resolved using your products or services. You don’t want to traumatize your customers, just evoke emotions.

Calm fears with positive stories

Tone down the negative with a few positive stories from people who have used your products and services with good results. Bring them back after you’ve shot them down.

Reinforce with neutral stories

tell them the “who, what, when, how and why” of their products and services using stories to guide discussion that are less emotional and volatile.

recognize the relationship

When telling a story, it’s important to recognize the relationship between you and the recipient.

Remember the images

It is important to make sure that the images you use match the emotions you are trying to evoke, otherwise your story will be confusing to the reader/viewer.

The fact is that emotions drive us to do more than we would like to think. From buying a house to choosing a book to read on the weekend, we are driven more by our emotions than by logic.

However, as you try to evoke emotions in your viewers, it is important to also incorporate elements of logic so that your viewer or reader trusts you to buy what you are offering. Otherwise, he might feel like you’re manipulating his emotions too much.

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