Why do you need a brochure?

Why do you need a brochure?

While the website is the first of the most important elements you must have to advertise your business, a company brochure is the second most important. You can explain what your business is about, through words that better describe what your services are, and use images that can make consumers better relate to your products. Having a printed copy of your brochure to refer to is an impression that stays. But, whether an electronic brochure or a hard copy works better depends entirely on how active your consumers are with email. Here’s what your brochure should contain:

WHO: Who is your company, what does it stand for and who are the key staff members?

WHAT: What are you selling? Who uses it? What are the benefits of using it? What problems does it solve?

WHERE: Where is your business located? Where does the customer have to go to buy it?

WHEN: When is it available? What’s your commercial hours?

WHY: Why should people use it over other similar products?

Brochures come in all shapes and sizes, vertical and horizontal. But, one of the most popular types is the vertical layout (A3 page) folded once to make a 4-panel brochure. It must contain clear and concise information about your product or service, while also being attractive to the consumer. Including a CTA (call to action) at the end of your brochure is like an invitation for the consumer to email, phone, or visit your facility to learn more or ask more about your product. Equally important is the concept of incorporating images, infographics, and pictorial icons to break up the text and make the brochure visually appealing.


Graphic designers do the design and layout of the brochures and copywriters write the words. In many cases, the companies themselves share the content after a brochure map.

Click here to see the brochures we have designed.


Use the categories of who, what, when, where and why to decide what information to put and write in clear, simple language. Unless you’re good at layout and design, you’ll need to hire a graphic designer.

If you don’t have the time or the skills, we’d be happy to talk to you about writing and designing a brochure for you. Click on the contact form at the bottom of the page

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