What kind of shoes are appropriate for interviews?

What kind of shoes are appropriate for interviews?

The selection of shoes not only depends on the fashion style but also on the occasions you are going to attend. For an interview that can be seen as an important start to your career, finding out what kind of shoes are appropriate to wear is vital. Usually the rule is to make a fashion statement and show off your professional attitude at the same time.

First of all, you should research about the dress code and cultural background of the company before you go for the interview. Today, many companies, especially those involved with a lot of business communications, require their employees to wear formal suits to work, which can represent the professional image of the company. While other companies in the creative industry may not have such requirements, believing that a free work environment can inspire your employees. Thus, what you should wear for an interview has a lot to do with the company’s dress code. Formal neutral black high heels or flats will be your best bet when you go to a company that focuses on professional appearance, while stylish high heels that can accentuate your personality and personal style are great when the company places importance on character of its employees and creative ability.

However, even though the company’s work environment is casual, you should not wear tennis shoes or other casual shoes to the interview, as wearing these shoes shows a great lack of respect for the employer and the job. High heels are usually suggested as the most suitable footwear for interviews. What you wear and how you wear it can reflect your attitude towards work and what kind of person you are.

If you’re not sure what the company’s dress code is, you can ask the person inviting you to the interview what kind of shoes are appropriate for you to wear. Generally speaking, opting for classic formal shoes is better than taking chances by choosing shoes in quirky colors and flared styles.

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