Health Fitness
What is the best exercise to burn fat?  The answer revealed

What is the best exercise to burn fat? The answer revealed

If you are looking for the best exercise to burn fat, then running, without a doubt, is probably one of the best calorie burning exercises that you can do several times a week. How can running benefit you in terms of burning fat? There are several benefits that you can get when you run, including:

  • Calorie burn during exercise
  • Intensified metabolic processes
  • full body workout

Calorie burn during exercise

When you run on an indoor or outdoor treadmill in your neighborhood or even on an indoor track at your local gym, you burn about 70 calories per 100 pounds of body weight for every mile you run. If you run a mile three times a week and weigh 150 pounds, you’re burning 315 calories a week.

Intensified metabolic processes

Since you run three times a week, you are burning calories and fat while you train, but did you know that running increases fat burning processes while your body is at rest as well? Running helps tone your leg and hip muscles, and toned muscles help you burn more fat even when you’re not exercising.

full body workout

Running gets your heart rate up, makes you sweat, and you’re exercising your entire body when you run. Your body will begin to show results as you stay dedicated to your running regimen by burning excess fat and getting your body fit. Running will also improve your cardiovascular strength and increase your endurance levels.

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