Digital Marketing
What are you going to talk about in your podcast?

What are you going to talk about in your podcast?

A podcast connects with your audience more than a text. People who take the time to listen to your podcast become much more emotionally involved when they hear your voice, rather than reading the exact same information in a blog post.

When you hear someone say things that you agree with, or talk about how they have run into the same problems as you, you start to like and trust that person.

But when creating a podcast, the hardest thing for most people is creating good podcast content on a regular basis. You may have a great voice, many followers and listeners, and a lot of confidence, but without the accompanying content, your podcasts will fail.

Here are 6 ideas for brainstorming topics to talk about on your podcast.

1. Customize it

Talk about a personal story or experience. If you’re creating a video podcast, do something adventurous like a bungee jump or skydiving and record the entire experience.

2. Current affairs

Review the news and generate podcast content on topics that apply to you and your audience. Give your own thoughts and opinions on these topics. Keep in mind that a podcast is similar to having your own radio show, but for a specific target audience who is interested in what you have to say.

3. Conduct interviews

Reach out to people who have podcast content related to you. You can both work together promoting each other’s podcast. You can interview them for your podcast and they can interview you for theirs. That way, both of you will get direct exposure to new audiences.

4. Practical guides

Create some useful how-to guides on topics and tasks that people often find challenging or difficult. You can also produce helpful checklists or cheat sheets that can accompany the podcast. These can be uploaded into podcast notes and emailed to people who request them. It’s also a great way to build your email list!

5. Daily life

Did something funny or unusual happen to you recently that you can talk about? Can you connect something that happened with your podcast niche?

6. Consult with your audience

As your audience grows, don’t be afraid to ask them what they’d like you to talk about in future podcast episodes. This gives you topics that are relevant to your audience and can help you generate new ideas. It also shows your audience that you really care what they think and feel and that you are there to help them.

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