What Are the Common Reasons for a Google Ad Suspended Notice?

Google Ad Suspended

Having your Google Ad Suspended notice is not something that you want to see when checking your account. When this happens, every campaign, ad group and individual ad stop running. It also means that your website and app are no longer available to visitors.

Depending on the reason for your suspension, there are a number of things you can do to get your account back online. First, read the notification that you receive carefully to determine what policy violation you’ve committed. If possible, try to work with a Premier Google Partner like StubGroup to submit an appeal on your behalf.

One of the most common reasons for an ad to be Google Ad Suspended is because of malware. If you are able to scan your website and identify any hidden malware, you can repair it and bring your ads back online. Another reason for an ad to be suspended is if the product or service offered is counterfeit. Google’s goal is to ensure that users are provided with a safe and authentic experience.

What Are the Common Reasons for a Google Ad Suspended Notice?

If you’re selling a genuinely good product or service, then your best option for getting your account back is to make sure that all of the information in your Ads account matches up with the information on your website. This includes everything from shipping charges and terms of service to product descriptions and pricing. Make sure that any information that changes on your website is updated in your Ads account as well.

Google has several policies related to circumventing systems. This includes cloaking and other techniques designed to disrupt or interfere with the review process of your Ads or Google’s search engine results. Google Ads also prohibits ads that claim to assist with government services such as passport applications or visas.

Using invalid payment methods is an easy way to have your account suspended. If you have multiple accounts with the same payment method, Google may suspend them all to prevent fraud. Editorial violations can include issues such as capitalization, punctuation, spelling and symbols. This can be as simple as removing incorrect punctuation or as serious as changing the content of an ad to comply with Google’s guidelines.

If you’re a reseller of genuine products or services, then you need to be authorised by the manufacturer to sell their brand. Google has a list of authorized dealers and resellers that you can use to prove this to them.

Other mistakes that can lead to your ad being suspended include using keywords or phrases that are trademarked, failing to verify your business’s location, and making duplicate accounts. If any of these are true for your account, you’ll likely get an email explaining what needs to be corrected in order to have your ads reinstated. It’s important to check your emails regularly and make any necessary corrections as quickly as possible in order to avoid further penalties.

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