Health Fitness
Weight Control – The Final Answer

Weight Control – The Final Answer

It may come as a surprise to most, but there is only one factor that determines your weight: calories.

Managing your weight comes down to one thing: managing calories. Your body is a complex machine that requires fuel to run your metabolism and perform all movements. The calories in the food and drinks you consume provide this fuel. If you burn all the fuel you eat, your weight will remain stable. If you end up with excess fuel that isn’t burned, it will be stored as body fat and your weight will increase. Likewise, if you burn more fuel than you take in, you’ll lose weight, it’s that simple. By controlling the calories you take in and the calories you burn, you can successfully manage your weight.

So why are most adults overweight or obese in recent decades? Each has ingested more fuel than the body burns, mostly as a result of lifestyle changes. Manual labor is now done by machines and computers. Very few calories are burned during our daily routine because work, transportation, recreation, and entertainment are mostly sedentary. People are eating out more frequently and tempting food is on offer everywhere in large quantities, day or night. Because people have a natural tendency to conserve energy and eat even when they’re not hungry, the modern lifestyle easily leads to unburned fuel and unwanted weight gain.

Beware of the trailing waist

Experts predict that nine out of ten people will be overweight or obese at some point in their lives. However, most people don’t realize they are overweight because it happens quite slowly. The average annual weight gain among adults is one to three pounds. This means that most people consume only 20 to 30 calories per day. Small changes, like skipping the last few bites or taking an extra 200 to 300 steps a day, will keep you fit and off weight-loss diets. But keep in mind that as you get older, you’ll likely burn fewer calories because your daily routine changes. Therefore, you will have to be aware of the calories you eat and how much (or little) you move. And to keep your weight in check, you’ll need to step on the scale or measure your waist more than once a year.

Increase your calorie IQ

One of the most effective weight management tools is tracking what you eat. An old-fashioned pen and paper works just fine, but online trackers offer support and feedback, too. After a week or so, you’ll be amazed at how much you learn, and your caloric IQ will skyrocket. Those who constantly track what they eat lose more weight and are more successful at keeping the weight off. Doing so will help you decide where to cut back: skip a 20-ounce regular soda and save 250 calories, switch from whole milk to skim milk and save 50 calories per cup, opt for regular coffee instead of a regular blended drink and save 300 calories. . If you prefer to reduce the portions of the foods you currently eat, that’s a good option. Remember, small changes tend to be the most effective because they stand the test of time. check your environment

Scientific studies reveal that your environment influences the amount we eat. The larger the portions, the more you will eat. It’s hard to stay away from favorite foods when they’re right in front of you. If you’re in a social setting, at a buffet, or drinking alcohol, you’ll probably eat more. If you watch TV while you eat, you will overeat. So control your surroundings by limiting portion sizes, keeping tempting foods out of sight (and off mind), and planning games before social events. For example, you may decide to eat or exercise before the party. In any case, be aware of your surroundings, otherwise you will ingest more calories without even realizing it.

Increase your activity level

Every calorie you consume or have stored in your body can be burned through activity. If the goal is weight control, increase your activity level. Start by determining how active you are by using a pedometer to measure the steps you take. Gradually increase your daily steps in any way you can: short walks, more chores, pacing while watching TV or talking on the phone, and of course, take stairs at every opportunity. If you prefer the gym, that’s fine too, as long as you’re burning more calories by working harder or adding it to your regular workouts. Keep in mind that the more active you are, the more fuel your body will burn. This means you can speed up your weight loss efforts or choose to eat more.

Monitor your progress and adjust

Monitor your progress at least once a week by weighing yourself or taking your circumference measurements. For accuracy purposes, it is best to check your weight at the same time of day in the same clothes. Also, consider weighing yourself midweek because weight fluctuations tend to occur after a weekend of dining or pleasure. Since weight can fluctuate on any given day, judge your progress over time. If your results aren’t moving in the right direction after a period of two to three weeks, you’ll need to adjust. Reduce the calories you eat or increase movement until you make progress.

Set goals and get support

Set a short- and long-term goal and write it down. By doing so, you commit to yourself, which spurs you to immediate action. On average, ½ to 2 pounds per week is a healthy rate of weight loss. However, the more overweight you are at first, the faster you can safely lose weight. One pound of body fat contains approximately 3,500 calories. The data below shows you how many calories you’ll need to eliminate from your diet or burn through exercise to reach your weight loss goals.

Weekly Weight Loss Goal ½ lb 1 lb 1.5 lb 2 lb

Average daily caloric deficit 250 500 750 1000

(# to reduce or burn above maintenance)

Finally, get support from a friend, family member, or our online community. The key to weight control is to control calories, and if you stay persistent and consistent, you will eventually reach your goal.

This article contains references; visit our website for more details.

Copyright (c) 2009 Neal Spruce

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