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Understand skin conditions

Understand skin conditions

Skin conditions are not fully understood, but there are specific categories that are beginning to be understood, how they form, and how to treat them. Let’s discuss the basics about some of the most common conditions:

Atopic dermatitis
Canker sores (aphthous ulcers)
Dry Skin (Xerosis)
Skin cancer

Acne Basics

Acne begins when the pores in the skin become clogged and can no longer drain the oil produced by the glands of the hair follicles. If the oils remain under the skin, white bumps called white dots. If the oils reach the surface of the skin, darkened bumps called black spots. This black discoloration is due to the oils darkening when exposed to air. It is not due to dirt. If you experience redness or swelling, it is due to bacteria that have entered the clogged pores and infect the areas where oil accumulates. Infected glands can burst and break free into the surrounding skin, creating additional inflammation. In severe cases, cysts can form in the subdermal layers of the skin.

Acne can be categorized into three levels: Mild acne consists of some whiteheads or blackheads and minor inflammation. Moderate acne is a large number of whiteheads or blackheads clumped together along with mild inflammation and minor pus-filled lesions. Severe acne or cystic acne is a large number of deep painful and inflamed lesions that can lead to scarring.

Atopic dermatitis

Dermatitis is a chronic skin disorder that causes dry, red, itchy, inflamed skin that comes and goes. Atopic dermatitis is commonly known as eczema and is quite common, affecting 10-15% of people. This skin condition responds well and can be controlled with proper treatment.


Canker sores are very common; most cases include painful sores in the mouth, usually on the inner lips, gums, or cheeks. A cold sore is not a cold sore or a fever blister caused by the herpes virus. Canker sores are thought to be the result of the immune system’s fight against a viral infection. Canker sores sometimes appear after injuries, such as brushing or biting the tongue or cheek. Canker sores have been found to be a symptom of; stress, lack of nutrition, the menstrual cycle and can be hereditary.

Dry Skin (Xerosis)

Dry skin, also known as xerosis, is the result of little or no natural oils that condition our skin. Causes of dry skin include; excessive bathing, low humidity, or may be related to the soaps and cleansers used. Various skin disorders, such as atopic dermatitis, can cause dry skin. Dry skin is also hereditary and can recur at different times of the year depending on the weather and time of year. Moisturizers applied daily after baths or showers will keep skin moist and relieve itchy, dry skin.


Psoriasis appears as red, scaly patches typically on the arms, legs, torso, and scalp. Psoriasis comes and goes, it can be uncomfortable and leave the person disfigured. People with chronic psoriasis often feel ashamed, have low self-esteem, and may develop severe depression due to the disfigurement. Psoriasis can interfere with daily life and make it difficult to sleep or complete daily schedules.

Five types of psoriasis are:

Plaque psoriasis (thick red scaly lesions)
Guttate psoriasis (teardrop-shaped spots, caused by bacterial infections)
Inverse psoriasis (smooth red spots in the skin folds)
Erythrodermic psoriasis (scaly red rash covering the body, not very common)
Pustular psoriasis (pus-filled blisters, also not very common)

The severity of psoriasis can be measured by the amount of body coverage there is. Treatment can be tricky, especially on the scalp, face, hands, feet, and nails.


Rosacea most often occurs in adults between the ages of 30 and 50, and women are generally more affected than men. Men who are affected by rosacea tend to develop more severe varieties. Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that causes redness and swelling of the face. Other areas of the body such as the scalp, ears, chest, and neck may also be affected. Another form of rosacea is ocular rosacea which is commonly found in about half of cases. People who blush easily begin to recognize that they have rosacea, which progresses to constant redness, pimples, and small blood vessels on the face. This skin condition can spread across the face and head. Rosacea is believed to be caused by genetics and the environment in which a person lives. More than 16 million people in the US have symptoms of rosacea even though they don’t realize they have it.

Rosacea symptoms:

Face that flushes or blushes easily
Continuous facial redness
Small blood vessels that appear on the face.
Burning or stinging in the face
dry facial skin
Facial skin may itch or feel tight
Swelling in the center of the face
Pus-filled bumps and/or pimples on the face
Burning, itchy, or tearing eyes and swollen eyelids
Thickening of the skin on the nose, forehead, or cheeks

Rosacea can be effectively controlled with treatments and lifestyle changes. With early diagnosis or treatment, rosacea can minimize symptoms and stop the spread. Without treatment, rosacea can be disfiguring.

Skin Cancer Basics

Skin cancer is caused by skin cells that regenerate abnormally and cause unnatural growths. Most skin cancers appear in the outer layer of the skin, specifically in sun-damaged areas of the skin. The most common areas are; face, hands, arms, legs and head. By performing a skin self-examination, early detection of skin cancer and initiation of treatment increase survival rates.

Different types of skin cancer fall into one of the following categories:

Basal cell carcinoma found in the lower parts of the epidermis.
Squamous cell carcinoma is found in the upper layers of the skin.
Melanoma is found in pigment cells called melanin, it is not as common as basal or squamous. Melanoma is a very dangerous type of skin cancer and is the leading cause of death from skin diseases.

The varieties of less common types of skin cancers include; Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma and Merkel cell carcinoma.

Skin cancer is low risk when the damaged or abnormal cells stay together in a small group. Skin cancer becomes more risky when abnormal patches of skin spread to surrounding skin; this form of cancer requires more aggressive treatment. When skin cancer is detected before it spreads, the chances of a complete cure are very high.

Skin cancer often follows lesions or precancers, visually looks like a new or changing mole, and should be closely monitored by your doctor.

Skin cancer treatment begins with its diagnosis, usually with a biopsy to determine if the lesion is cancerous.

Recommended treatments are determined by:

type of skin cancer
Size or shape of the cancer
cancer spread
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number of injuries
Past history of skin cancer

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