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Treat Your Infertility – Getting Pregnant With PCOS

Treat Your Infertility – Getting Pregnant With PCOS

Trying to get pregnant can be an exciting but scary adventure. But if you have polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), it can be downright frustrating and even scary. Before trying to treat your infertility due to PCOS, you must first understand what it is. In short, PCOS is a group of health related problems due to your hormones being out of balance. This hormonal imbalance causes things that negatively affect your fertility and is one of the main causes of infertility, but it is also common in women of childbearing age. If you feel lonely and heartbroken, don’t lose hope. The US Department of Health and Human Services says that one in ten women of childbearing age has it. This means that ten percent of women are in your situation but, statistically speaking, there is no way that ten percent of women could not conceive. Our population would see a drastic decline if that happened, which is why you shouldn’t give up on being pregnant.

The hormonal imbalance caused by PCOS affects your body both inside and out. Your physical appearance may change with more facial hair, acne, or weight gain, but the most immediate cause for concern is what’s going on inside your body. Researchers have found that it can increase the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure. These add up to having irregular menstrual cycles and repeated miscarriages that affect your ability to get pregnant. Realizing what PCOS does to your body, and specifically your reproductive functions, greatly increases your chances of treating it. Unfortunately, there is no known cure for it, but you can control it, and by controlling it, you can get pregnant.

Although there is no known cure, most medical professionals have found that a healthy diet, regular exercise, and smoking cessation, if you are a smoker, are the cornerstones of PCOS control. Although your doctor may prescribe fertility drugs to help with ovulation, it’s a good idea to make these lifestyle changes anyway. Also, these changes are something you’ll want to do once you’re pregnant, especially quitting smoking.

PCOS does not mean that you cannot get pregnant. It means that you will have to do some things differently in your life, which benefits you regardless of whether you get pregnant or not. These changes can be difficult, but if you really want to bring a child into this world, these changes will not seem insurmountable.

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