Tours Travel
Things to know before buying a pool table

Things to know before buying a pool table

So you’ve decided to buy a pool table, but you don’t know anything about it. Well relax, I will give you all the information you need to know before buying one.

First, you need to know your budget. How much are you willing to spend? Pool tables can be purchased from a couple hundred dollars to several thousand dollars, and some tables cost as much as $ 20,000 or more!

Second, after deciding your budget, you need to decide where you will place your table. Do you have the space to install a pool table? Tables vary in sizes from 4’x6 ‘to 5’x10’. The golden rule is; You need at least 5 ‘around the table to be able to play without hitting the wall or other objects.

Third, now that you have established the space and have a budget in mind; where are you going to buy your table? Will you buy one from a site like Craigslist or eBay, or is it near a store that sells pool tables? We often sell tables on Craigslist and have often found great quality pool tables on Craigslist, however “emptor warning” or buyer beware, some offers are too good to be true.

Fourth, how will you bring your new table home? Many marketers will say in their ad “bring a lot of help, this table is heavy.” I say this; NEVER move a one-piece table. Pool tables need to be completely disassembled before moving in. If you move a table in one piece, you not only run the risk of damaging the table, but you also run the risk of injury. It is better to call in a professional billiard table transporter to move your table and reposition it for you.

So now that you have everything in place, let’s talk about what to look for when shopping for a pool table. When customers call me and ask what the only thing to look for before buying a pool table, I emphasize one word, SLATE! A good quality table will have a chalkboard playing surface. A low quality, low quality table will have a particle board or MDF playing surface, these tables we in the industry call “disposable” tables. They don’t hold up very well and are easily damaged. They do not support intensive use of the game.

When buying a table look for brands like Brunswick, Olhausen or Gandy, these tables will hold their value.

Look at the table frame. Is it free from major cracks and defects? Check for termites (if applicable to the region you live in). In Florida, we often see vendors selling termite infested pool tables. Look at the legs, are they also free of cracks and defects?

Look at the felt / fabric. Is it in good condition or does it look like it needs to be replaced? If it does need to be replaced, consider that it will cost around $ 295 and more to replace.

Look at those pockets. Are they in good condition or are they frayed and damaged? Plastic flap pockets are fairly inexpensive to replace, however the cost of replacing leather pockets can be quite expensive.

And lastly, take a look and test the bumpers. The bumpers are made of gum that will harden over time. One test you can do to determine if the bumpers are still okay is to start at one end of the table and roll the ball with some force against the other end of the table. A good bumper will give you at least 3 bounces back and forth. Once you’ve tested end-to-end, repeat from side to side.

If you are still not sure if you are getting a good deal; Contact someone who is knowledgeable about pool tables and he or she can help you with the purchasing process.

A pool table is a great investment that can give you and your family years of fun.

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