Digital Marketing
The scope of the network

The scope of the network

An important part of networking is based on communication. Being able to keep the lines of communication open, consistent, and relevant are important factors in building successful relationships. Various forms of communication set expectations and set limits. As well as, guide the networking processes. How can savvy network users take advantage of their skills to connect successfully? What obstacles should they worry about or acknowledge? How can improving these methods affect your relationships?

Listed below are some tips for communicating properly and being intentional in your networking goals.

A call to action

The next time you attend an in-person or virtual event, be sure to follow up. In your follow up, insert a call to action. This strategy not only keeps the lines of communication open, but also affirms a form of accountability. Accountability is an excellent element to promote trust and credibility. Additionally, a call to action allows for a deeper form of engagement. Being reasonable, specific, and timely can ensure requests are completed. Definitely get in the habit of doing this simple step to foster a closer bond.

a call for help

It’s a great idea to reach out to your networks for support. Asking for advice, seeking help, encourages further sharing and communication. This can be seen as a positive means of solving problems, fixing common errors, etc. It is also an opportunity to improve your skills while learning from others. It can give you insights into the skills and competencies of your contacts in the professional and personal spheres. Resolving the issue or problem can be an opportunity to refer your counterpart or simply to say thank you or acknowledge.

A call for unity

Networking is a multifaceted and underused tool. Expert networkers can take advantage of their positions, platforms, influence, etc. to make a progressive change. Similar to corporate responsibility, there may be a call for increased awareness and mobilization around various causes. Bringing individuals and networks together for a common cause or mobilizing a mission is empowering. It offers a space for a sense of purpose and defense that leads to advancement.

Use these helpful tips to expand your networking efforts. Leverage your networks to build connections, trust, and credibility. Form alliances to offer additional support, advocacy and assistance and vice versa. Being intentional and purposeful in your interactions leads to great success.

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