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That’s all!  my date with amazing "dumbbells" curious ann

That’s all! my date with amazing "dumbbells" curious ann

This time it’s for real! After months of being a regular at the gym and spending those sweaty hours near the dumbbells, I was ready to take my fitness to the next level! Fitness is no stranger to me, but being the curious person that I am, I always want to try something new. So after getting excited and motivated by those fitness vlogs you see on YouTube and admiring “Guruji” aka Muscle Uncle at the gym, I thought I should have a body like him (come on, I was 22 then). Right through all the admiration, Right behind, glued to the muscled guy supporting him through squats, was my knight in shining armor, who could help me get that “BOD”, the next Salman Khan. My being “Personal Trainer” (PT), Mr. JK

Well… I wish my story was as simple as this, but this is the world of Curious Anna, where NOTHING is normal. JK turned out to be the worst trainer in the history of worst trainers where the worst can’t be worse! TONGUE TWISTER!!! Ha… and here’s why:

I created a black hole in my pocket by paying my PT a day early, after watching Sylvester Stallone’s Rocky motivational movie series (I’m still a HUGE fan). I arrived at the gym ready to train GRRRR! JK started with my fitness assessment. I wasn’t able to go to the gym for about a month due to family commitments, but amazingly, my body fat had dropped by half a percent since my last checkup. I felt pretty sure of myself thinking that my coach was going to praise me. And then we started talking…

He asked me a bit about my fitness background:

“Well, I haven’t been to a gym since last month…”

“Last month?” she asked herself, frowning.

“Yes, but before that I was a regular at the gym and I also did yoga at least five days a week”

JK wasn’t happy, but he kept going.

“Why aren’t you in the best shape of your life?” she asked.

I cleared my throat, contemplating my answer.

I am in the best shape of my life. I’m not the skinniest I’ve ever been, but I’m definitely the strongest. I bench around 30kg and my stamina has also improved remarkably. My shoulders and arms are getting stronger and more defined, and I feel good.

JK’s expression looked confused as if he was speaking to him in Latin (no offense to the Latin language)

“What is stopping you from reaching your full potential? What are your weaknesses?”

“I love to eat sweets, but I limit myself, because I know how important diet is if you want to get any results,” I told him. “I like good food. I eat well, but I eat.” And before I could continue…

Visit my blog at to read the full story and see what happens next…

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